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Evil Bob f2p?


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I am f2p, born and bred. As I was talking to the Wise Old Man, Evil Bob kidnapped me. I am fairly sure that Ole Bob is members, but I was always f2p, and never once went members. I even checked if I wasnt a member. But my question is: did Jagex f2pize Evil Bob?




That freaked me out even more than seeing someone punt a cat over a fence...

On the flip side, it's been proven that women are probably better mothers

Yes I have balls, but they melted.
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first- dont bump your own post




and yes evil bob is f2p my brother got him the second day he got his account (he was and is f2p)

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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F2P but rare - had one, a couple of mazes, never had a mime, a few foresters ages ago.




At the moment, the Sandwich lady has an evil plan to take over the world with the super baguette weapon, starting by stunning most of the other randoms!

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