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RS forces random reboot?


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Hi all, hope this is the right forum for this, but..




I just discovered RS a few days ago (OK, so I'm way behind the curve..) and have been enjoying it as much as possible. Problem is, no matter if I use IE or Firefox, after a few minutes of play (anywhere from 5 mins to 25 mins) my PC reboots itself. Only happens when RS is running. I'm no tech-wizard but no noobie to PC management..I've tried increasing the memory alloted to browsing, tried updating windows/IE/Mozilla, tried high/low settings while playing the game, nothing seems to help.




Running a p4, 2.6ghz with 1GB+ of ram. I don't think it's my system causing the problems. Windows xp. Couldn't find this problem listed anywhere on the official RS tech forums, and unless you P2P you can't make a new topic there..




Anyone got any advice? Is this normal??

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Have you tried using the official client?




Do you have the most up to date version of java?




Perhaps its a problem with your hardware, it could be a cooling problem because IIRC, most newer CPUs turn them selves off when they get too hot to prevent themselves from dying.




Could be any number of possible things.

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Don't know what you mean by 'official client'. Is that the standalone download you can have on your desktop? No, I haven't tried that. I think I have the most up to date java version. I went to their site and think I downloaded the most recent version; how do I tell if I'm current?




As for the hardware/cooling issue, I thought that too, initially, but I can play any other game (most are much more graphic intensive) for unlimited amounts of time with no reboots. The PC remains on usually for days at a time between manual reboots with no shutdowns, so I don't believe it's heat-related.




At edit: Tried d/l ing the stand alone version. Launched from the desktop, low detail. Played for 20 minutes and got a reboot.

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Try a different version of java, if other games work fine then it points towards that.


You mean in the selection screen while loading RS? I've tried all 4 options and the one that seems to work best for me is the Unsigned Applet. I used that 2 nights ago and thought I had found a solution. Last night, however, I tried the unsigned applet and had 2 system reboots in a 30 minute span.




I would definitely subscribe to RS if only I could fix this annoying problem..

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