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Camtasia Help Needed


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When I set camtasia to record part of the screen it makes runescape really laggy, any way to make runescape unlaggy but record a video?




I'm setting it to record this the runescape part of the screen...

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Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to pos tthis:


Enrix e b told me how to make it unlaggy, it works great. Thanks everyone who tried to help and of course Enrix E B!

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Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to pos tthis:


Enrix e b told me how to make it unlaggy, it works great. Thanks everyone who tried to help and of course Enrix E B!




Care to elaborate on what he told you to do?

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Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to pos tthis:


Enrix e b told me how to make it unlaggy, it works great. Thanks everyone who tried to help and of course Enrix E B!




Care to elaborate on what he told you to do?

Sure, get to your desktop and right click, go down and click on 'Properties', open the tab called 'Settings' then click on the 'Advanced' button. Click on the 'TroubleShoot' tab and move the 'Hardware Accerlation' from 'Full' to 'None'. That should sort out your problem... Does it help? It did for me...
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