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Fix & finish this! (competition)


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Fix & finish this!




Rules: - must contain some of the content of the images


- Try to fix up the images and finish them


- I am the judge I will choose a winner, there is no prize but respect :wink:


- Good luck!






What this is accomplishing: This will accomplish who can take some horrible artwork and turn it into something amazing... You all may take very different approaches to the artwork... GOOD LUCK! :D














I know this will be hard to make the horrible pixels (done by me) to look good .... but thats the point of the contest.

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Image is broken, is that just me?




Yes, I see it fine. Can't say I don't envy you at the moment though. :)




rofl:( i got owned)








but as i said before i know there horrible :cry:




Hah, only kidding :P.


I couldn't do any better myself. But if I do do any pixelling it takes about 3x as long as it should. :oops:

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