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How runescape can recieve more money!+~READ +~


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I am Martin! W00t! AND I HAVe another way where runscape good make way more money. I have seen other online games where all you have to do is go to a store( Eb games usually does this ) and you pay money and you get runescape membership!




Imagine all the kids will do that, i know that you said u need permisison but i bet 50% of the runescape members' parents still dont even kno ther members!




This would also make it much eaiser to be a member, insteada filling outta watever( other then the phone way its eaiser) .




Any1 agree?




I think runescape should really take this in CONSEDERATION! :)

Quitting Rs: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=3612741#3612741


Visit My quitting rs bank sale in falador square


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Most stores require you to have a parent or guardian with you to buy "game cards". My friend couldn't buy a World of Warcraft 2-month card because he didn't have his dad with him.




Then again, WoW is rated "T" for Teen. I don't think Runescape has an ESRB rating. Does it need an ESRB rating to sell gaming cards in stores to commodate the parent rule?

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if its rated teen (13+) then why couldnt your friend buy a card? Unless hes 12 and down. But what would a little kid be running around with $30 for a video without his parents?






and on topic. Jagex took this into consideration. It couldn't work due to internation trade laws and other BS. I think its good the way it is. Anyone could go to someones house and make a 1-900 phone call... bad enough... *sigh*

Long since retired.

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