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New Skill and - or New Mini Game -AND seeding Castle Wars


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(please notice that this post is 4 months or so old, before construction)




OK, I thought of this after my first day of playing castle wars, and of the many skills I thought would be cool to have in runescape. I have thought of a bunch but I'll only mention one in this post. As far as the mini game is concerned, it could just be adaptable to castle wars for that matter...




Engineering Skill / Construction Skill


something like that, it has to be different from crafting skill though.




It should start with a quest similar to herblore, maybe something that will award about 5 - 10 levels of experience and from there you can start. The quest should be simple but long and strenous (like getting a lot of materials). But that's just my opinion.


My ideas were building clocks... maybe to be used in conjunction with farming patches. Building structures like houses, walls, towers, gates, and trenches. Hmm~ why not build castles and forts?- which brings me to my new minigame.




Similar to castle wars except you only start out with building materials. Basically everyone on your team uses as many skills as possible to build a fort and equip an army. Everyone uses their own skills, and it puts the new skill to good use. Simple catapults and battering-rams could be built using this skill. And then, introducing multi-person skill projects (such as masonry projects, the more people, the faster it's completed).


I'm not sure how to do these minigames, maybe it should be seeded, or maybe just based on the level of all players and split it up evenly

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souds kinda like the skill theyed have for POH's




but the idea would be kinda like a castle wars mini game.. but instead you start with like nothing and you build up... and maybe get resources around the land to build these things? like maybe a forest and a small mine in it...

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exactly... frankly I think that all players should come with 'nothing' and use their skills to build up. Maybe some NPC guarding areas to make things a bit difficult. I wouldn't make it too hard but not too easy either. The key would be communication between players on your team... probably no more than 8 or 10.




... yeah it sounds a bit like war craft but I'm trying to keep it normal. Ahh I can imagine making weapons but getting runes might be difficult unless we have some way to get them.

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yes maybe have a small forest and have some type of monster in it...




and same for mining and maybe have a river or someplace you can fish for food...




just build up from nothing kinda like a rts game...

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lol :lol:




no rts=real time strategy




like age of empires,rise of nations,cammand & conquer and whatever else




where you build up a empire or nation and attack the other people and stuff...

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  • 3 months later...

hey hey- looks like they made construction, not to mention this post was created back in April lol




I really was seeing the future :P




Now, I think it would be interesting to seed up castlewars, do some multi-server games and have some non-seeded games as well. That would make it fun and maybe a bit more challenging.

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I guess the minigame ideas arent so bad. Shouldve made a new thread though. People are going to flame you telling you construction already exists. (The thread wasnt made in 2005, nor were you seeing the future. We all knew it was coming.)

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