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Everything posted by Waffleh

  1. Erm, then why not vote for the sake of not having to pay $15? I guess I just don't get your reasoning.
  2. I was on the fence about it until I read in the FAQ that everyone is starting from scratch. It's going to be wonderful being part of building an economy and I can't wait to vote. And to the people saying it is not a real vote because you cannot vote no--this isn't an election, this is a measure of how many people are interested in the service. Runescape is a business, not a democracy, and honestly for a business they do pretty damn well in trying to please their customers.
  3. I completely agree with "Don't Split the Community." As someone who's played RS casually for about seven years now (often taking several month breaks), adapting to new updates has been a regular occurance for me. I like the updates and the fact that the game grows and evolves--it keeps it exciting. People who don't like certain updates (such as EOC) can either deal with it or move on to another game. Jagex has taken away crappy updates in the past (like trade limits on all accounts) and so expressing your opinion on it can change things; but just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should get a whole new game out of it at the expense of others. Personally, I still don't really like the grand exchange all that much, but I deal with it and the game is still fun.
  4. It looks like a normal day at ivy, but... That's the view from the front of the ivy wall, and this is the other side of the wall: What the hell is this glitch? >.>
  5. Hey everyone! I'm Waffleh, and I haven't been on tip.it for at least a couple of years now. I have played RS on and off since December of 2005 (I was only 12, haha), and I usually only play during school breaks, like right now. But it's now second semester of my senior year and I hope I'll get a break to play every once in a while. I also want to thank whoever helped me reclaim this account--I had started it with an old, long forgotten email and obscure password, and when I emailed the Tip.It support they were a great help in getting me this account back! Thanks!
  6. I would run laws and natures. I wouldn't get cash, just the runes, and it was totally worth it. I still have about 600 laws left, and I've never actually bought laws as far as I can remember. Hell, I would still probably run nats now that I use them a lot more, even though I have enough money to pay for them. Running was a lot of fun. And superheating is a lot more satisfying when you are using free runes.
  7. However to alch that amount of plates requires 1k natures, 5k iron ore and 10k coal. The costs of which--assuming you don't mine and craft your wares--works out to a little over 2.3million. Even if you craft 1k nats and mine all that iron, you're still 300k in the hole. Now you might mention the blast furnace, and yes that does reduce the cost of coal by half (still 750k for all that coal), however the cost for noting and unnoting coal and iron ore is a significant drain. Smithing as a moneymaker, like the hyperinflation in RS is a myth. while the smither loses 300k, the money he spent will stay in the economy, it just changes hands. however, the smither will also bring 1.2 million brand new gp into the economy. I hadn't thought of that before. All these calculations and figures hurt my small 8th grade mind. @_@ Anyways, I think there should be some sort of quest or something to be able to high alch. OR maybe you need to have a Philosopher's Stone in your inventory to be able to do it. ^^ Just and idea...
  8. Who is it not safe for? Just the people selling it, who are breaking the rules, and the people buying it, who are breaking the rules? Either way, if something goes wrong in the transaction, both of them were breaking the rules, so isn't the moral point of view that they deserve the punishment they bestowed on themselves? As said before, the currency and items are property of Jagex, no matter who holds it in the game. Those few pixels are still theirs, legally. This is, of course, a major and very sad issue, but as you said, it was especially WoW, which means that there are slaves not just ebcause of RS. If the slave owner isn't getting business with RS, they'll move on to a different game. There are THOUSANDS of games out there, so just solving the problem with RS will not help. They'll find a way to move on. Just my 2 cents.
  9. Like he said, they follow the color, and that's why this works, so everyone should stop flaming. It looks like fun but I don't really have the time to just mess around with that... I still have 13k more willows to cut. :(
  10. I like this idea and support, but I think it should be for P2P only. I don't know, it's just one of those things, like potato sacks and vegetable baskets.
  11. Both. In fact, three cards if you count the joker. The answer you're looking for in this case, however, is the former. I don't doubt that that was your intended message, but the grammar alone doesn't seem to make the implication you suggest. Yeah, WTH? This has to do with WHAT exactly? Way to keep on topic. =D> Anyways, I support this idea. People who think F2P shouldn't get anything because they don't pay just want to feel better about themselves. I mean, yeah we P2Pers pay $5 a month, but a few new mage robes added for F2P doesn't mean the world is ending. Like you said, you can't afford it. If your a kid you don't get money anywhere else than from your parents. Uh, yeah, because kids can so get jobs. -.- Anyways, I support, please add me to the list.
  12. Just bumping.... Happy Pi day everyone! (Get it? 3.14? March 14? HA HA lol.)
  13. There should be some sort of "You can't be expelled while in combat" or something.
  14. Thank you guys for keeping up with this board while I was gone, I'm actually REALLY surprised there were so many new supporters. Everything is updated and I'm working to incorperate some of the new ideas into the plan. Thanks for all you support and ideas! ^^[/u]
  15. I agree *pokes siggy* that Fullmetal Alchemist is awesome but as Stilev said, it's not a "reliable source" and isn't exactly what alchemy really is. I don't mean to be mean or to flame or anything like that, but almost everyone else here is right, that the real "alchemy" is just item->gold. I think it's fine the way it is.
  16. Captainkidd: Actually, not all autoers are F2P, I've seen quite a few lvl 3 autoers on members' worlds.
  17. I've updated once again, and we now have 100+ supporters! ^^ Thank you sooo much guys for supporting this idea, and merry Christmas to you all!
  18. I support! I think that's great, could come in handy alot. ^^ Great idea.
  19. You get a Numa. *bangs head against machine and 5 coins fall out* *inserts coin*
  20. Seeing as this question has already been answered.... I remember when I did dragon slayer. No food.... wow I was stupid. I left with 2HP...
  21. Yes, your questions aren't really laid out well, all I can see is that you're buying or selling or whatever. I'm not really sure of your question. :(
  22. Look at the Player-Made guides board. There are about 100 guides about making money.
  23. I have a few pairs in the bank. If you want I can give them to you for free. Just message we in game whenever you're on.
  24. I was picking pockets in the HAM camp when I got a clue scroll. It told me to talk to Ned in Draynor. Excited because it was close, I waited until I was bundled and beaten and dragged out of the camp before I went to see him. He said "well done!" like he always does and I click on the new clue. Well, it says "speak to Ned in Draynor village". I thought it could be lag since I've been having a bit of a lagging problem lately, so I clicked it again, and it said the same thing. So I talked to him again. Another "well done!" he said, and I ended up getting 48 water runes and 45 fire runes. That was the shortes one I've ever had. Has this happened to anyone else?
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