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Everything posted by Waffleh

  1. There's a fountain near the Varrock east bank, but I think you can only use buckets, not jugs or anything. Not 100% sure, though...
  2. I was just wondering if I dropped a clue scroll, could I get another one? Like if I didn't want to do that clue scroll and I dropped it, would I be able to kill a monstor and get another one, or not? PS- I know there is a "Clue Scroll" board or whatever, but I didn't think my question belonged there, really... I am just trying to avoid being flamed by idiots who think they are almighty. If this IS in the wrong place PLEASE just tell me nicely, and if it is I'm sorry, really I am. Thank you.
  3. Check out the Stronghold of Security guides, there are actually 4 pieces all obtained from the Stronghold.
  4. *runs to Windows Movie Maker*
  5. I agree, that sounds about right, if not more expensive. Thanks guys for you help!
  6. This is what I did, it's the most effective method to mine/smelt and THEN smith. Why? Because you'll level up your smithing when you smelt so you can make better things when you get around to smithing other than daggers and short swords.
  7. ... any level below 126 No, tey can change their level to anything, just like when they change their level to lvl 1, so really this is a fake of what could really happen.... sorta.
  8. Lol I loved them all, good job, especially the second one. 'Oh dear, you are dead! No wait! You really are dead! You really messed up this time.' \
  9. I met this girl and she had this tablet with a 'V' on it. She has a bunch of them so she gave me one, and when you break it, you teleport to varrock. I'm guessing there's more for Falador and Lumbridge as well, and she said she knows how to make them out of soft clay but she won't tell me how. :evil: Does anyone know any more information about these? Like how to make them and stuff? Thanks.
  10. I'm currently trying to start logging everything I get from drops. I will post it here. i don't know what I'm doing this, i just think it might help me keep track of things better. Note that I only pick up things I want to keep, no I may have killed more than the items I get. FIRST of all I AM sort of a noob and do pretty noobish things while I'm bored. So I'll probably be killing some nooby monster to relieve some stress... Date: Thursday, July 13 2006 Monster: Minotaurs, lvl 12 Looking For: Half skulls, clue scrolls Location: Stronghold of Security lvl 1 Drops: 11 iron arrows 33gp 2gp 7gp 11gp 9 iron arrows 35gp 7gp 15 pure essence 7gp 2gp 45gp 7 iron arrows 9gp 75gp 7gp 7gp 7gp 11 iron arrows 7 gp 5gp 7gp 7gp 2gp 7gp 2gp Ok right now I'm stopping just to take a little break, it's been about 10 minutes of killing and I haven't gotten anything good, only about 300gp... I know, I know, what do i expect from level 12s? So I'm moving on to the higher level minotaurs now. TO BE CONTINUED[/u]
  11. I've actually been P2P since March, I've just been too lazy to even TRY to get in to World 2, I don't usually buy/sell things in-game, I always go to the forums.
  12. I think I'm special, I'm not sure if anyone else collects burnt fish. :lol: Too lazy to post pic right now, but I might later if I get bored.
  13. It's insane. Not just the bank, the entire PARK is filled! I mean, I know it's the #1 place to be to trade and whatnot, but OH MY GOD, that's just... incredibly crazy. It's like all 2000 people are in the one place. It's psychotic.
  14. Hillies are good, also the SoS would probably be good for you too. If you're P2P then I would say after you level up a bit mroe try out Pest Control.
  15. Merchanting. End of story.
  16. Cool thanks! ^_^ Oo, sorry if this is the wrong board, i was so excited I just sorta clicked on this one. :lol:
  17. Ok, ok, many many MANY people who are level 20 80 90 etc. call me a noob while I play PC. But the facts are that if it was 90+ you'd be waiting on that lander for a looong time, and once the 5 minute wait is up, you'll have maybe ten people, thus you would lose anyways. I know, as a level 62 you guys probably think I'm a noob, but alot of times there's some guy with dragon long attacking the portal by himself with about 5 spinners around it. So while he attacks portal, he doesn't have to waste the time killing spinners while I can kill the spinners for him. Another reason alot of lower levels don't attack the portal is because we never do damage on it. Maybe about 5 damage, but the portal has really good defence. So my stand on Pest Control limitation to 60+ or 90+? No. Even though I am level 62, I completely disagree with PC level limits. Also, about the idea with multiple landers, it just doesn't make much sense. First, you'd be waiting way longer, second, there would be less people so you'd be more likely to lose. I think that Pest Control is great the way it is. End of story.
  18. ok, i was killing level 12 minotaurs in the stronghold of security looking for a skull half when I came across a clue scroll! It told me to search crates in the east ardougne general store, so I did that and got another clue. It told me to search drawers above shops in varrock. So I went to the treasure trail help page on Tip.It and it said that they meant in the clothes shop upstairs. So I went there and that was the end. :( I was hoping it would be longer but oh well. I got some mind runes, 5 blue firelighters, wizard robe (g), and about 160gp. Thanks for reading. ^_^
  19. Every time you go through a gate in the Stronghold of Security, you pause for a second and your head appears to look in all directions like you're looking around. I never noticed that before, thought it was kinda cool...
  20. Ok cool now i have the top, bottom, and right skull half, when i put the scepter together I have a runed scepter... so now all i need is the left skull half! Cool.
  21. Do Al-Kharid. It's pretty close to a bank and there's not usually very many people there to mine iron...
  22. Hmm... I haven't gathered limpwurt roots since I was a F2P, but i used to kill hill giants for them near the cooking guild.
  23. Wow, that's pretty cool. 8-) Thanks!
  24. I'm sorry, I don't think there's anything you can do. But if you haven't played for a really long time, it might be fun to start from the begining. ^_^
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