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Looking For New Friends : Take Two


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Recently I realized runescape can get very lonely sometimes when you have no one to talk to :( . I remember seeing a topic like this a while ago and I was looking for it recently but all in vain, so I decided to make a new one.




Basicaly, post here if you are looking for some new friends and please leave some very general information about you and some interests that you might have (besides runescape).




I'll kick things off.




Age: 17


Originaly From: Moscow


RSN: RedSektor




Add me to your friends list, pm me, or post a reply if any of the folowing sound very familiar to you.




David Lynch


Vincent Gallo


Philip K [bleep]


Dalton Trumbo


Richard Linklater


Ernest Hemmingway


A. E. Van Vogt


Denis Leary








Hubert Selby Jr.


The Deer Hunter (movie)


Taxi Driver (movie)


Clerks (movie)


Buffalo '66 (movie)


Salad Fingers ( =P )








Don't have to follow the same format.



and I <3 cabbage. so green, and leafy, and good.

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