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First evar pixel sig! Rate, but don't hate!


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So am I 8)




It sucks, use paint, not windows image editor. And definately not photoshop, leave that to the abstract, tech, grunge etc. Sig makers. Do you own shading... The mountains look like they've been done right though...


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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I used neither paint, windows image editor, photoshop, or gimp. I used AppleWorks.




Ah, the glory of using a Mac. :)


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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People are saying that I didn't really shade it, I just used a gradient tool. Well, I did shade it. I made the layers of differant colors, from light to dark, etc. But then I used the "blend" tool to sort of morph the colors into each other. If that's against the "10 commandments of pixel art" or whatever, i'm sorry. I'll try to avoid the blend button next time.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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I used neither paint, windows image editor, photoshop, or gimp. I used AppleWorks.




Ah, the glory of using a Mac. :)








Ahmen mah brotha! :lol:




I give it a 5/10. It's pretty empty aside from the main action, there needs to be more background than mountains and a sandbox or whatever that is. As for the blend tool, yes it is against the "Pixeler's 10 Commandments". Many people see blending as cheating on shading. I like the job you did on the sand despite the blending. The line work overall is pretty good although there's something wierd about his cape.




My suggestion: Add some trees, don't use blend, and keep on trying.




Edit: fixed pic



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I realize it's kind of empty, but i thought I should start simple. I am not very good at drawing really small stuff.




And yeah, the cape does look odd. It's too bright. Looks like it's inside out.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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