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The Kingdom of Loathing


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Hey. Who here knows what Kingdom of Loathing is? It's a really good game.






Kingdom of Loathing is a text-based MMORPG. It's a really funny text-based MMORPG. A game that doesn't take itself seriously.




You choose to be one of the six Character Classes:




Seal Clubber


Turtle Tamer






Disco Bandot


Accordion Thief






You fight monsters, adventure, win stuff at collect meat. Meat is KoL's currency. Yup. A game with meat as the currency MUST be good, right?




I recomend this game to anyone.






The game is totaly F2P. There is no 'members'. You get the full game for free.










Here's some screenshots for those people who don't play games without seeing pictures of it first.




Battle interface:








Inventory interface:






Shop interface:












Currently, I'm a level 10 Turtle Tamer called Someone Else.


I've stopped playing RuneScape. KoL's better.

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As an extra bonus, you have to take a literacy test to use the ingame chat.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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As an extra bonus, you have to take a literacy test to use the ingame chat.






I know, it's a really cool idea.






You should have to do one as simple as KoL's in order to make an account on RuneScape.


I've stopped playing RuneScape. KoL's better.

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