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The solution to being lured and rc pked, bsed and cheated...


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some of you are ignorant *** ****'s




you call anyone a noob whenever you get the chance




and you don't even take into consideration what could happened




for crying out loud, i thought i could make it from the monestary to edgville without going into the wildy once, this was after me switching a world so i could go make a trade, and hell with it.. i got killed because the game DIDN'T give me that [bleep]ing warning




sometimes you don't know what to see, sometimes you're not thinking the brightest, just because you think you're better than everyone because you haven't gotten scammed, think twice, it could happen to anyone.

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I agree, i hate it when noobs complain about dying. They took the risk, and they paid. Although luring is officially against rules..And people have tried it many times on me. What is going through peoples minds when they agree to go to wildy to sell/buy something? Don't ask me. Ask those noobs who are dumb enough to go there.


Please ignore all the massive typing erros i did this with one hand while eating some Cape Cod potato chips.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

Would you?

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