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RSC items


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Hi, i took a break from runescape, and when i came back RSC had been P2P... i am not member, so i was wondering if there was any way to transfer my items from rsc to rs2... -_- i had full rune, r2h, and many things...






-Thanx for answers

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yes i believe u still can? try logging into rs2 and it will ask if u want to change to rs2... i cant remeber if thats how it works... might as well try :)


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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yes i believe u still can? try logging into rs2 and it will ask if u want to change to rs2... i cant remeber if thats how it works... might as well try :)




It's impossible :wink: . It was possible the days after the launch of RS2 (~ a week after 01/04/2004 ) but now it has become impossible.




Even playing RSC is quite hard these days, there are a lot of restrictions.


You got to be p2p and you have to logged in on classic after 02/08/2005. Otherwise you won't be able to play, than a message will show up 'unable to find source code' or something, otherwise all your classic items will lay in your bank.


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yes i believe u still can? try logging into rs2 and it will ask if u want to change to rs2... i cant remeber if thats how it works... might as well try :)




It's impossible :wink: . It was possible the days after the launch of RS2 (~ a week after 01/04/2004 ) but now it has become impossible.




Even playing RSC is quite hard these days, there are a lot of restrictions.


You got to be p2p and you have to logged in on classic after 02/08/2005. Otherwise you won't be able to play, than a message will show up 'unable to find source code' or something, otherwise all your classic items will lay in your bank.




You think i can send a mail to jagex and ask ?

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yes i believe u still can? try logging into rs2 and it will ask if u want to change to rs2... i cant remeber if thats how it works... might as well try :)




It's impossible :wink: . It was possible the days after the launch of RS2 (~ a week after 01/04/2004 ) but now it has become impossible.




Even playing RSC is quite hard these days, there are a lot of restrictions.


You got to be p2p and you have to logged in on classic after 02/08/2005. Otherwise you won't be able to play, than a message will show up 'unable to find source code' or something, otherwise all your classic items will lay in your bank.




You think i can send a mail to jagex and ask ?

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