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longrange or just train def?


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well hi yall i'm currently 92 ranged 66 def i'm planning to get my defence high,and ranged 99.


will the best way to train ranged and dfence,that is the fastest way to...


-range with longrange,and train ranged and def at the same time,but get low ecp




-or just train ranged first,and then train my defence with meleearmour,meleeweaps like d scimmy or so.i'm planning to go experiments or slayertasks if i will this way.post your opinion on wich way i should do here.many thanx




defence 65


ranged 92


cb 88

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Ranged = ranged


Mellee = defense




Ranged on longrange is very slow and doen't really hit much... So use rapid for fast range.


And melee for defense, less hits and more easy and FASTER!

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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