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good ways for money !


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-#1 this 1 is formembers... if you are a low lvl. You could pick flax and than sell them for 100 ea or if your crafting is over 10 you can spin the flax into bowstrings and sell for 150-200 ea. Very rare to sell for 200 but i recomend 165 ea.




-#2get a runecrafting level to 45 and make natures get a wc lvl to 60 and fletching to 70 and 55 mage . than high alch yew longbows they will give you 768 gp each time u high alch one of them




i think i will give u 1 nonmember one but it not the best i wasint a nonmember for very long




you can mine runeessence and sell it for 30-40 each well thats all the info i got on me right now c ya

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Uh you only make 2 nats per ess at 91 rc (I think) theres no chance involved. Besides at 44 runecrafting why bother training those other skills if you want to make money, rcing is faster. Ess prices are not good now.




Flax is sadly the only really good tip, and most members know it anyway.



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