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A question that concerns me...


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In 4 days my membership runs out, and I have decided I want to quit runescape for about a month because I need a break. But then some do0d I know tells me that if I quit for over a month, I will loose all my members items - I dont believe him just yet, because ever since he knew I was quitting, he volunteered to hold my stuff for me.




So is this true????



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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Nope, no truth in that whatsoever, no matter how long you spend away there would never be a reason for Jagex to delete items jsut becasue they're member's. Don't worry :P


Oh, and your 'friend' sounds.. Like a pretty desperate scammer. PK him. Hah joke..


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i am currently f2p, and havent had p2p for about 5 months. i still have about 8-10 member items in my bank. your "friend" is lieing. he just wants to take your stuff. do NOT believe him. nothing will ever be deleted out of your account on purpose.

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Almost certainly trying to scam.


You keep member items forever, until you drop them. You should consider selling things if you don't plan on coming back, they are useless once you lose membership. If you became member next year, you could still have the same stuff. You should really look into sorting out your bank though, or you end up dropping most of your stuff.


But don't trust this guy anymore, he's trying to take advantage of you.


89/99 farming

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Wow, you really cant trust anyone on runescape. I had a funny feeling about this guy, and I thank you guys for telling the truth. Tip.It is an awesome place.. :P




As for my friend... Im going to take him into wild, and kill him.







In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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