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Make me an avvy please


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No its not for here. I didnt even notice it was that big sorry guys. LOL renwin must do some detailed stuff. So is anyone going to do it or is there somthing wrong??


Oh and how do you reduce the file size?








1. It will be hard without the editable version (PSD for Photoshop).




2. Its a GIF... Thats like the smallest file size and it is still 197kb. Thats why I like doing 'pop-out' signatures alot. Reduces file size alot.


But then again, its an animated GIF. Try taking out the animation.




3. The text isnt that detailed, embossed with a smudge. :?

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Dude you guys freakin rock my socks off. LOL IDK how you guys do it. Oh by the way i DIDNT make this sig so the stuff you guys are suggesting ill just tall renwin. Shes the one who made it for me. (from rs bits and bytes) Shes pretty dang good.






Thats her sig shop. Its a completely differnt thing on their forums. You can have a huge sig and they wont care i dont think.....LOL but the sig and avvy is for my clans forum The Ultimate Pkers....Were a 75+ clan already 100+ members. Heres the sight...






LOL i know im advertising but thats one of my jobs in TUP. But heck you guys are good at this graphics stuff. I Dont have the SLIGHTEST idea how to do this stuff. Then again i dont have any of the cool graphic programs.

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Whats that code called that sig makers use as security so people dont steal their sigs...And do you hav eto have that to save the seg as a gif ???




Water marking?




And you dont have to save it as a GIF, its just the smallest file size you can get. JPEG is relatively small but blurs the colours abit. PNG has very high quality but also very high size.

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LOL im trying to learn all this and talk on the phone at once. Anywho. Um im trying to use the avvy but it keeps tellin me that its more than 80 x 80 pixels and i know its not WTF oh well ill figure it out. Oh and this siggy im tryin to upload as a png so its under 30k bytes or w/e lol. And idk its just not workin






could you resize those avvys to 80 x 80 they are sayin that its 82 x 82


thanks man.




EDIT: Nevermind i did it. Looks kinda funny but oh well. Now for the sig.... :roll:

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1. Cant read that text.


2. No. Lens flares rarely look good.


3. What is that background? Dead vines?


4. Dimensions have to be under or equal to 300x150 px.


5. PNG has highest quality along with highest size. Re-save it as a GIF.

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ya the guy who made this for me was a newbie at it like me :D So im just gunna make a WHOLE knew one. lOL ON PAINT!!!! I cant download photoshop or anything. No user privaleges....Dang parents. Any suggestions...i have adobe but i dont think thatl help me at all.

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