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Runescape Couples


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Both wearing full dragons and they said they were married in rs and irl. Dunno if this breaks the "no naming names" rule but i doubt it does.




they are great friends with one of my friends he sold me my first whip, nice couple, and they are married irl

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Both wearing full dragons and they said they were married in rs and irl. Dunno if this breaks the "no naming names" rule but i doubt it does.




they are great friends with one of my friends he sold me my first whip, nice couple, and they are married irl




well my and my baby have talked about getting married we both agree to wait a bit but marrige is just aring if it isnt int he heart its worthless and we are deeply in love so were married in our hearts already and totally devoted to one another who knew id find the woman of my dreams playing rs lol

Haley610 and Ashuran22 Together IRL and RS ,I Love You Forever !

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I dont understand why everyone is so against online dating? It works. It helps a lot of people and most of you need to think about it and not look at it from your own oppinion only.


Dating on runescape is awkward. But hey?! if people like each other and i dont understand why everyone saying "love pixels" its not true. If you like the other person u like them for who they are and not physical appearances. Wake up and smell the coffe we are in 21st century.


Its their life! Let them do what they want with it, none of your business!!!




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Tis actually how i met my current girlfriend, from rs. I would compile a collage of some sort however i dont feel like getting harassed over what ive given her. Needless to say i love her with all my heart and she loves me more and i credit Jagex for making this game so we could meet. But rest assured there are alot of couples on runescape, no were not all losers, no we have lives, and most assuredly yes we do love each other.

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