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How I Crushed This Little Scammer's Heart

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Today, I was selling a rune scimitar on world 17 when I got a PM. Somebody (I'm not naming them) said that they were part of Jagex security. They said that I had been reported six times this week. Apparently, if I was reported one more time, I would be banned. Quite taken aback, I responded saying that I never swear ingame. He then said that he believed me, and that he would need to ask me a few questions. The first few questions were basic stuff such as, how long have you been playing the game, do you have a bank PIN (I lied for all the questions :D). I then said that I felt uncomfortable doing this. He then told me that he would just skip to the last question. He then popped the big one.What is your password. The following conversation came after.








I blurred out every name of the screen. The conversation went him, me, me, him, me :D Then he logged off for a bit, and came back saying that the password didn't work. What a fool he was. I then told him that I was playing him the entire time, and then he threatened that if I didn't tell him my pass within 3 days, I would be perm banned. And that is how I broke a little scammer's heart






Final Note: Bugabaloo is not my real password :wink:

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same thing happened to me once, I told the guy some random password he logged out and so did I, then I logged back on and he started to pm me telling me that I told him the wrong password and I was going to get banned, so i reported him :)



^Clickity to go to our forums

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ya i had that once. I gave him a fake pass


(Pretend to be a Jagex dude maeking me a mod)


Him: Please give your password so i can begin the process.


Me: OK sure.


Him: Well?


Me: My pas is reported


Him: Thank you, please log off


(reports him and logs off)


(logs back in)


Him: You are going to get banned for lieing noob!




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That happened to me once. This was my comversation with the scammer:


He PM me:




Scammer - Hi!. I work at Jagex. You've been reported for scamming.




Me - So?




Scammer - So, you'll have to give me your password please, or you will be banned.




Me - Stupid scammer, i'll never tell you my password!!




Scammer - You're insulting a jagex worker. You will be banned right now.




Me - Oh, leave me alone noob! I'll report you.




Scammer - You can't report jagex staff.




Me - Jagex staff? Where's the gold crown?




Scammer - K, I admit, i'm not from jagex, but I'm a mod.




Me - So, where's the silver crown then?




(Scammer logged out)










Man, why are scammers so STUPID?

Every path you have trod, through wilderness and through war, has led to this road...

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u shud hav reported him for rule number 5




I guess I could have, but nothing would happen. Might aswell have some fun with them :P




Actually breaking rule 5 (staff impersonation) is a certain ban. Reports for this rule are dealt with immediately.


I have reported for this 3 times, each time I got a message the same day saying action had been taken. Compared to the hundreds of other reports I send which come to nothing, this is obviously a priority rule for Jagex, and they implement it immediately. It was probably a throwaway account anyway, but its fun banning people like this :D


89/99 farming

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Actually breaking rule 5 (staff impersonation) is a certain ban. Reports for this rule are dealt with immediately.




You have got to be kidding me :shock: . You mean to tell me that I could habe broken this scammer's heart even more, and I didn't take the chance? What a fool I am :(

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What a great story! And I love the imagery of the title, I can just see you taking a rune dagger and cutting to his heart and breaking it with your lvl 99 str :shock:




Seriously though, what do these people think when they act dumb like that, is it just natural or do they have to work that hard to be that mentally deficient?


Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O)

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Man, why are scammers so STUPID?




'Cause if they were SMART, then we wouldn't have such funny stories to share.




I too have enjoyed stringing all my potential scammers along on a string, getting them all excited and worked up, only to suddenly find out I'm not the sucker I once was




Eg "Hey, you CAN'T change p-hats colour with dyes".




or "No, I don't recall there being a magical spell to change my rune armour into full sara".




Usually after a good 30 seconds of me umming and ahhing and pretending that I believe them. Cracks me up every time, damn kids* and their lack of morals.




*No need to get feathers ruffled folks, it's a joke.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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