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HELP! Runescape account down the drain?!


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ok, so maybe i was a bit stupid, not setting recovery questions and things, but my account has been locked because someone could have got into it or stolen it. But now even though ive submitted all the details i can into the "recover a lost account" page three times, the just keep dismissing my claims. Saying "you do not have enough evidence to show its yours... ect". As my account is locked i cant even get onto the forums for customer support and there arent any contact emails at all. Im completely locked out as far as i can see, which is rather frustrating as ive spent ages building up my account, and now its just useless. anyone got any suggestions as to what i could do to try to get it back? :(

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Same happened to me. Just send in your details and wait. I got my account back. No harm done




I'm hoping that'll work for me too.

Obtained quest cape and base 92 before obtaining any 99s! Currently finishing out my 99s with the (long-distant) goal of comp cape.


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erm , if your p2p , you could take legal action ,as you've dedicated a lot of money towards it.




erm, expect for the fact the Jagex states that they have they right to lock and ban accounts according to their discretion. So you have no way to take legal action.




Sam, if I were you I would just try to send in as many details as you can, things like what is in your bank, cat color, fremmy name, bank pin. Also try to find any payment e-mails and use that info. Hope you have luck getting back your account.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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tintmangbpack gave some good advice. I've also seen posts stating that users supplied their date of birth, how long they've been playing (date they began), stuff like that.




Please see




for announcement regarding restoration of the forums




and http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=458751 or




for discussion on locked accounts.




Tips and info on what to supply to get accounts unlocked are included in the last two topics.




Don't panic, I'm sure you will get it back as most people are already.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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Ive been trying for two days. sent in several threads all say. not enuff info bc I don't have the activation code. Ive sent in bank info for two debit cards ive used names on firends list what my last quest was I completed. U name it ive tried it. One actually was pending for longer than the others but it was still denied. Do they go back and chek them again or is it a one shot deal per request?

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my acc was locked yesterday due to the hack attempt.


i have sent in an appeal to get my acc back and same happened to me..


not enough evidence...


I'm praying i'll hear back soon from jagex and i'll let u know how i go with recovery.



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