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account locked down....


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my lvl 80 account has been locked down because (aparently) somone else knows my pass word, but, no one does, no one can. simple as that (literally). and ive tried to get it back a few times.... but of corse not life isnt that simple.




the help thing that tells me my dyslexia and stupididity is worse than i though says my Qs arnt right or dont match up..... so once i finally get it to work it says track on "password support".... i dont mean to sound stupid (though i prob do) where the hell is that?!




enough of me blabbing.... can somone direct me in funnily enough, the right direction please?

MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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