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Monkey madness question


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ok Im a lvl 92 warrior (melee based) i got 76 att 80 str and 70 def i have lvl 10 magic (from a quest) and 25 range (from using a dwarf cannon one time) I also have 50 prayer. So I was wondering if i needed and specific mage or range lvl for quest. I was just gonna bring my dharoks legs and pl8 along with a rune kite and d-long but do i need more? any helpful andvice or hints or what i should bring would be appreciated ty.

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ok Im a lvl 92 warrior (melee based) i got 76 att 80 str and 70 def i have lvl 10 magic (from a quest) and 25 range (from using a dwarf cannon one time) I also have 50 prayer. So I was wondering if i needed and specific mage or range lvl for quest. I was just gonna bring my dharoks legs and pl8 along with a rune kite and d-long but do i need more? any helpful andvice or hints or what i should bring would be appreciated ty.




well, you don't NEED a high magic and ranged lvl.you could melee the demon, although magic works better.you might wanna get your magic up , just for a few teleports.always handy when doing quests :wink:

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I don't believe magic is recommend as the Demon is protected from it. Unfortunately, your range lvl isn't high enought to fight it that way (I think 50 or better is recommended) so, you'll have to melee it.




Your prayer lvl is good,, so either use a Hally while standing behind an obstacle or use your d long and kite. Be sure to use protection from magic for both and have plenty of good food with you.)




As far as the armor, full rune is fine. Personally, I found the hardest thing about the quest was running through the dungeon to get too Zooknook, but I have a high range lvl so the demon was a breeze. (It wouldn't hurt too wear a ring of life... just in case!)






Good Hunting!




BTW- I would suggest if you've started, 'receipe for diaster' that _before_ you make the second trip too Zooknook that you take two extra sets of bones and 2 more monkey talismans along with you.




Too get exra talisman just drop the one you have and ask to borrow another from the monkey child. Just be sure to promise to return it otherwise he will cry and you have to ask all over again. Watch out for the Auntie! (You'll need a total of three talisman)




Now, while you're still running around the city: Kill a gorilla in the temple for it's bones. Use protection from melee and recharge prayer at altar. Once you have those, recharge prayer again and run to store using protection from missles. Go up ladder and kill one of the archery monkeys and take the bones. (The worse that can happen while running around city is that you get thrown back in jail. Just make sure you have plenty of anti pot's with you.)




Now, teleport to Karamja (using glory) kill a monkey there and take it's corpse or bones. Teleport to AL kharid.




Return to the island with food, 3 sets of bones and 3 talismans, prayer and anti posion pots and teleport. Run to Zooknook and ask about the talisman. Use the bones on him and ask him to make you more talismans. *Doing all this now will save you the extra trips too him to get your monkey greegree's.




Ciao :D

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have u done the Family Crest quest? if so, get the Chaos Guantlets, and take like 100 chaos runes, 300 air runes, fire staff, ANY mage clothing, and jsut hide behind the Gnomes with Protect from mage on... so easy to kill


Strength 77/90

Defense 71/80

Attack 71/80

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