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Attack Of The Undead Asgarnian People!!!!!!


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It was a dark and stormy night. The warship of Asgarnia has returned. It has not been seen for five years. The towns people of Port Sarim gathered to greet the soldiers. When the ship hit land something was odd about it. The mast was snapped in two, the sails tattered beyond repair, the body of the ship itself was broken up and cracked , the entire ship emitted an eiree green glow. When the gang plank that connected the ship to the port landed no soldiers came out. The bravest man in Port Sarim got his shiny rune armor and went in the ship searching for the missing soldiers. He journeyed through the ship searching everywhere except, in the basement of the gigantic warship. Expecting the worse he went down to the basement. Then he saw a thousand bloody ripped up gored and stabbed through corsps. He got ready to turn back when an eiree sound broke the still night air around him. He turned around and thousands upon thousands of zombies, ghosts, shades and undead things ran for him yelling" YUMMMMMM! HUMAN FLESH, NOT HAVE FOR YEARS!" Terrified the man ran for the exit only to be greeted by the ghostly sailor crew. He took out his rune sword and began fending them off. Scared he ran for the gangplank only to find that the civilians were killed and eaten up by the monsters. The ghostly remains of the civilians chased Joe(that was the man's name) all the way into Falador. He ran for the palace only to find that the white knights and citizens of Falador had been zombified too. He then made a beeline for the monastry. The monks accepted him in. Then when he was sleeping that night a bloodcurling scream awoke him. The undead army were killing the monks! Then he saw Abott Langley fending off the unholy creatures yelling" By the name of Sardomin! Leave this holy place!" He was finished off in about 3 minutes. Then he jumped out of the window and ran for the city of Ardounge teleporting and jumping around. The paladins fended off the zombies and killed them all, but they thought that Joe was carrying a plague so they tried to kill him too. The strongest paladin wanted to kill him. So he waited for the death blow. Then slashhhhhhhhh! His head was severed, the last of the Asgarnians was killed.






The End? :?:

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The asgarnians were wiped out but not their corpes they went back as zombies and their former selves were restored by Sardomin but their old bodies still weren't wiped out..............

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Hmm, very interesting. Remidns me of the Movie 'Dawn of the Dead' and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. You know the part where the ghosts come off the ship? Ya, that bit.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Pretty nice I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was very weird, but no scary. How did the White Knights become zombies if Joe was the first one there? :?




well it was a curse, and in all horror movies i've seen the people become zombies before the hero gets to them.

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