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Mmmmmk... Fastest way to make 3mil?(Non combat)


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Good 'ol me. The lvl 80 noob caught up in the different ways to get a whip. Im sick of combat, tried pking with NO luck whatsoever.




Woodcut= 82(rune axe)








Mining=51 :oops: (rune pick)


smithing=39 :oops:


What should I do that will get me a whip. I really need suggestions, as i hop to get one by the end of June. If you have suggestions that arent based on these skills, post here...

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How much money do you have right now.


Its 500-1000K an hour buying deaths (from shop) and selling them.


Make sure to buy in 1000s. You get an average profit of 93gp per death rune.





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Try a mixture of flax spinning and woodcutting. Remember, that any money making at your lvl won't be fast, so you'll need plenty of patience.
Thanks, ill try that.
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