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Worst weather condition?


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I hate heat. I love rain, hail, snow, cold and everything. During the winter I can just wear a t-shirt outside and I still sweat my behind off.




Yeah, same with me, I love the winter. Of all of the common weather where I live, humidity with heat is the worse for me.




Then again, at least humidity doesn't cause cancer and sunburns like UV rays do (ugh, I've gotten second-degree burns on a cludy day.)






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In Europe wheather is relatively mild. So the worst wheather condition for me atm would be a very hot and out of the roof humidity climate.




I hate heat. I love rain, hail, snow, cold and everything. During the winter I can just wear a t-shirt outside and I still sweat my behind off.




What's the coldest temp you usually get there? Cause seriously, you can't wear a t-shirt out when it's less than -20 and wind is going at least 20 kmph which is the norm during winter here :(




Oh, it's pretty soft. -5 celsius, sometimes -10 celsius which is what everybody thinks is cold here. When it's -10 I'll wear a jacket.




yeah, copy that. I was just sitting outside with some friends, studying, and they all wore a jacket, I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt :D

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I really dont have one, exept maybe hard rain while driving in the mountains. Get afriad if we drove off :oops:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I hate extreme heat. I like it around 60-70 degrees Farenheit. But if I had to choose between hot and cold I would probably take cold because you can always put more clothes on when its cold, but you can only take a certain amount of clothes off.




minnesotans like us can take it...




for christ sake, around were i live we do the polar plunge :P




polar plunge = cut a hole in a frozen lake and jump in. w00t




-50f below in the winter FTW! and thats without winchill... -80 with..




take a pee outside when its that cold... oh boy.

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of the ones that are fairly normal,




when its TOO hot to do anything, like 40+. But where I live it never gets the other extreme which is too cold to do anything and when I lived in ontario I never was there for the winter :D




btw i live on vancouver island in BC, Canada

100% noob since 2001

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