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Clan Houses


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Well, I've spent many hours getting 70+ Construction and I'm not stopping until 96.


It is all to make the clan house.






^This will take you on a tour of the clan house^




Anyway, there is only one problem with clan houses.


The owner needs to be giving access to clan members all the time.




This is the main reason for this topic.






^Quick-find Number^




I have made an appeal to JaGeX to allow houses to be clan orientated.




Imagine if all houses, like the WG house, could be access by the clan all the time.


Please make your replies to JaGeX soon, before the system solidifies.




I will be sending this to all clan forums and will be posting on their public boards.




IMAGINE! Clan houses!


Please post your thoughts.


Also I would appreciate some feedback on the house.


I really want to improve it.




PS- If you want to visit the WG house in person, I can arrange something privately.








Many say the idea won't work. Perhaps offer a different idea to overcome the hurdle?


Maybe house keys or a list of allowed and banned people?


Click the image above to be taken to the Wilderness Guardians forums.

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That's a good idea. They could create a "clan list" much like the friend's list where you add people to the list and they add you back and BAM! You're on their clan list and they're on your's. Though, the only problem would be how do you appoint a leader? Or if you meant just have a seperate house for the clan then it's still a good idea, just I have no ideas for that.

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so long as there were designated houses that were officialy "clan" and allowed to be clan by the owner. For most houses this would be unacceptale - i dont want people in my house whilst i log off. But if an owner could say "i designate this "clan" or "open acces" then that would be fine...although i think you would get noobs using it all the time rather than clan members



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I agree with the idea of houses that can be accessed even when the owner isn't online. Like a guest list. It would be implemented for clans nicely i guess.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I wouldn't mind having a open access house, even when I wasn't there.




I think that "open" houses should be an option, although I think that they way they're coded doesn't allow for that (I think the house rebuilds itself as a temporary area when the owner enters, and then when they leave it "unbuilds" itself until the owner re-enters it, which is why the loading time is longer for houses then the normal loading pls wait screens ;P




General clan support would be nice, and if they ever get around to implimenting it (they had promised it by a month ago last year, along with P.O.H.s) it would be quite useful.

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i just finished watching vid. Dont build the throne room upstairs if u want an oubliette. Theres no point in a throne room without one realy. ur 4 ct lvls better than me, but ur house is amazingly better than mine lol. realy good, whish i had the cash to throw at it like that :(



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