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  1. The actualy give them to all girls of about 16+ (might be younger) when ever they go in for a check up - free on the NHS.
  2. FuBai


    I smoked for a while. It's too expensive for a regular habit, after a while the niccotine hit goes away completely and you stink all the time. So...why bother? It's not a good intoxicant, it's not good in my particular social setting, so I chucked it. Oh yeah, and it's bad for you.
  3. The 118 advert where they have a modle of a brain and say: "the left side orders chinese, the right side orders pizza." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r61i_-_vgBc - a different ad, but along those lines.
  4. Drinking age is 18 where I live. Most of my friends and I have been hitting bars scince we were 16. The bouncers only care if you look obviously underage (same as with dealers - if they are clever enough to keep it underwraps they tend to let them do thier job - alot of people would go elswhere if there weren't drugs in the club (500,000-1million take ecstacy every weekend in britian)). My parents both know that I go out drinking and don't care - they know i'm responsible with alcohol, and that, most of the time, I don't actualy drink as i'm driving. "Responsible abuse" is the phrase I like to use to sum up what we are aiming for. In terms of alcohol consumption (rather than, say, a glass of wine with a meal for the flavor, but an attempt to achieve intoxication) this means that you keep a track of how much you are drinking, and when you drink (interms of alcohol metabolism for driving the next day). Make sure you are with people you trust, and make sure you are doing it with clear AND CLEAN intent - by this I mean you are doing it for the experience, not to "self-medicate". Don't do it to escape from a bad situation, as it can lead to dependance and addiction under those circumstances. Don't do it to look cool - trust me, there is nothing less cool than a drunkard. Do it for the experience in and of itself, and do it with friends to take advantage of the sociably atmosphere it creates. Don't do it often and remeber that in terms of the physical health effects of it, it is more damaging that cannabis, meth-amphetamine, tobacco and LSD (not in combination of course...that would be insane...I must try it!), so treat it with respect.
  5. well, that day, i was wearing a plain white T-shirt, with black sleeves, jeans, and i'm short for my age (14), and i'm asian (no glasses, most people think that all asians wear glasses because of their squinty eyes, but HA!) is that all right, i don't think i look like a gansta, or anything... :XD: Ah...i'm a 6ft4 white caucasian male with a public school accent and manner and a home counties appearance (they could be said to be one and the same). I'm 17 by the way...perhaps they don't think of me as "teenager" seeing as I have only ever once been ided trying to buy alcohol - and I have bought quite a bit.
  6. FuBai

    Whey, GCSE's.

    A levels for me. Got to the point where i've done quite a few public exams and am in the usualy lethargy when I feel constantly guilty about not working, but still not working. I need three A's to get into King's Colledge London for my History degree, so the pressure is on. Elizabeth the 1st exam is coming up on the 8th,
  7. I suppose it depends wether you look like a meth-head (english equivalent - scag-head) or not. I've never had that question asked of me before (especialy when I'm in America - if you have a british accent and wear a shirt with buttons, you are instantly very well off (in the eyes of prospective shop keepers). People assess you instantly on the basis of your appearance, the way you talk, and how confident you are. Some teenagers say "this isn't right, you judging me this fast, so I'm going to act against it by deliberatly wearing these clothes, talking this way etc", I tend to conform to thier desired perception and use this to gain thier trust. It's more useful but less morally correct.
  8. No need to be too harsh on him, he was trying to make something to benefit the community. Intent was good, and according to Kant (who I disagree with) that's the summum bonum, so that's alright then, isn't it. Seriously, no need to rip him quite so badly. And he's given us a safespot I hadn't added as of yet, so thanks splatmster24.
  9. I sometimes exceede the speed limit. That's probably my most common fault. I also drink in bars (i'm 17 but 6ft5 and hardly ever have to worry about getting Ided) and I take a few drugs from time to time. I have never actualy got into trouble over any of that.
  10. Don't quote me on this, but I believe modern psychology can usually "fix" (for lack of a better term) one's morals. Yes, it's impossible to stop these acts from happening. But, with a lack of weapons, these acts would be far less damaging. :) Modern psychology is a crock of [cabbage]. I have my set of beliefs alright, and even if they differ from yours, they're not as wrong as yours. Society has been known to be wrong many times. Look at history. Sometimes majority isn't always right. Case and point: The Western world. There is no reason to believe that the morals the majority entertain at any point in time may be objectivley given the monicas "right" or "wrong". A moral code can not be ranked in terms of morality unless there is an externa fixed guideline against which it may be measured. Religious people hold that this moral measuring stick is god given, I am not religious and I would say that there is no such thing. They are simply different points of view, diverging from one point of basic prefice.
  11. the one on this forum about marrying a goat was quite wierd enough for me
  12. I've done that. It's better to grow it though. Then go to a local street corner and sell. Know a couple of people in that buisness - well more into the the pills side of things - ecstacy, morphine, 2cb, ketamine etc. They are minted. It's just too illegal and risky for me - an unregulated black market with varying purity and nutters who will beat you up to try and get thier next fix.
  13. And still it's nonsense. I really can't believe how stupid some here are. Coming with these ideas. Come on. I have to say arming 18 year old students seems idiotic to say the least. I'm 17 and am in my final year of school (I live in the UK). Fights still break out occasionaly, admitedly with increasing rarity as you go up the school, but who wants to know that in a moment of anger, half the sixth form could pull a gun and shoot you dead. Not because it was premeditated, but simply because they were so angry they were not thinking logicaly, and the first weapon that came to hand happened to be a pistol. I go to an all boy's school and we have enough of the "men's club" antics without turning the center into an improptue shooting range. They are 18 year old boys, trying to be macho and impress each other...giving them weapons is really, really not a good idea.
  14. With my plan I get sent 3 sets every third month, and if one breaks, i can just get it replaced within a day.
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