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fleching or fishing is good money well IMO as i dont like to spent cash




but people love to buy and sell stuff ( start with selling to f2p folk ) but i tried it and i cant be standing aroud for ages typing "selling things you cant afford "




once you develop fletching or fishing you should have enough cash to develop other skills which will brin more money your way

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Easiest money in the game is , believe it or not, picking and selling flax. Apart from woodcutting, which you have tested (and obviously didn't make money from), all my money-making skills are higher than yours. I did a timed test of all of them - flax-picking came out on top! It takes seconds to fill an inventory, the bank is a few clicks away, and there is always a steady stream of eager buyers paying 100gp a pop. But you do need super energy pots to maximize your earning ability.

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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