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There sud be sailing in rs.that would be cool. not the canoeing stuff...like u go out in a boat and u can fish...it would also make a new mini game - ship wars. i dont have any ideas for the mini game but u can post it on runescape forms...im not a member..just put my name in tehre somewhere.

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There sud be sailing in rs.that would be cool. not the canoeing stuff...like u go out in a boat and u can fish...it would also make a new mini game - ship wars. i dont have any ideas for the mini game but u can post it on runescape forms...im not a member..just put my name in tehre somewhere.




I got an idea. You can cut down trees, and the better logs u have the better the boat is. like, it wont tip if ur fishing for something big, or it can go faster.

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Since Fall of 2004(I quit playing RS all of 2005), I've been running a pirate skill idea that tunes in with sailing. I included ways to make it possible as well. Only problem is that I really put a lot of detail into the idea and a lot of people won't read that much material. I also added the pirate skill idea to these forums.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?


The Shadow Knows

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You're claiming I stole my idea from this? Sorry man, but you need more details. But I support anyway. The idea is sound, just not the content.




Want to make your idea better? Look up Pirates in the Wikipedia and also different types of ships. Trust me, you'll actually have fun reading the information. You'll be an 'old salt' in no time. Another thing to look up is the CULVERIN, A cannon present in medieval times. Contact me with a message and I'll help you do research. Don't worry, I'm not a boring historian but one that can make you WANT to learn.




I first put my pirate idea in RS forums in September 2004 so if anyone's idea is plagiarized, it's mine.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?


The Shadow Knows

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