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Unused Sigs for Sale (prices chopped up)


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misterxman / jepp ineed advice, im trying to be good at pixel making, i gave out free sigs, but they arent good beacuse i don't want to put loads of effort into something im giving away free, and nobody will pay for any because i dont have any good examples, what should i do :?

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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I too didn't want to make really good ones for free, so I just did crappy ones for sale. :lol:








But really, I suggest making a main one for yourself, that stands out from the rest of the crowd.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Hmm how much for the last one if you change the girl into a guy with no wep, Drag med, Drag shield, rune legs, plate and drag ammy, take the arrows out of the dead dude and put Beamo 26 which changes to TMRD at the top right?


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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