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reporting abuse


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When I report abuse, do I remain anonymous? I'm asking this because my tolerance for profanity has reached its end and I've reported a guy for that last night. I'm thinking that I do since the guy that I reported said 'I hate you all' right after I sent the report, but I'm still uncertain. Well, either way, I'm still going to report this kinda stuff because we really need to clean up the language in the free worlds.

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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If the guy is walking around shouting out profanities, it's not unlikely that he randomly shouts "I hate you all." I think it was just a coincidence that he said it after you reported him.




Although, your identity is kept between just you and Jagex. The person you report will only see that they've been reported, not who did the reporting.




And I agree... F2P has sort of gotten slummy.




Keep on reportin'!

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Yea F2P has gotten slummy because JagEx at the moment is focusing on keeping P2P clean, I report atleast one person a day for rule breaking and they never get banned. But I keep doing my bit.






"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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persoanly i dont think they see all f2p reports because they dont have time i think they simply focus on only the scaming, bug abuse, multi logging and macroing rules and the rest of our reports they probably just throw out.


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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I agree.

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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