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The God Wars War II finally added!


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Powers:Undead ones and Magic












Occupation:Lame Storyteller




Quote:I hate my job.....


















War 1 Guthix vs Zamorack






This event took place when the gods walked Gielinor and Llamas still talked.








Bratamius The Bearded was a loyal monk to the great Sardomin. He was a great warrior that simply lived for killing Zamorackian followers.ne day while going shopping for new battle axes he saw a Guthix follower being harrased by Zamorack himself! "If Zamorack was harrasing this Guthix follower then Guthix must be on Sardomin's side, for now anyway." Bratamius pondered aloud. Then Zamorack casted a spell that summoned a flash of a million suns and a screaming matched only by the screaming of 25 sireins. A huge beast appeared and picked up the Guthix follower who was now fainted. Taking careful aim, Bratamius flung his axe at the beast, it was a boomerang axe so it acidentally chopped a lady's head off on its was back to Bratamius. "Honey!" yelled a nearby man."You killed my girlfriend you (bleep)." "It was an accident i am sorry." "Okay than nevermind she was an alcholic and she would've died while riding a wagon pulled by a Talking llama." Then Guthix swept down and a green light filled the area, Swallowing up Zamorack and the beast. But then a red light filled the area and Zamorack and Guthix were locked in close range combat. Then Guthix's dog ran up to defend Guthix. His dog was never seen again. Zamorack then declared war against Guthix.




When the day of the war came many spectators including Sardomin and Iban not to mention Zaros who was in the form of a black cat wearing a collar that said Bob on it. The local troll was selling popcorn for many people. Bratamius sat next to Sardomin who said "I hear the war isn't fighting it is soccer. I really hope Guthix wins because i can't bear to see Zamorack's name on the trophy." Then Iban said "Go Zamorack! Bring home the trophy!" Zaros simply meowed. Guthix has the ball going down the feild, then he kicks the ball! Ooooh so close it was blocked by the claw of the lesser demon goalie. Zamorack in possesion, going down the feild and BAAAAMMMMM!!! Guthix casted a Fire Wave and stole the ball! He then casted the Wrath of Iban spell on the goalie who dropped dead and then he kicked the ball in the net!!! "Oh so you are playing dirty eh Guthix?" said Zamorack "Well two can play at that game!" Guthix remained silent. "Oh no are you using a marco?"said Zamorack suddenly. "Heck no!"said Guthix abruptly. Zamorack in posession running down the feild and he kicks but pops the ball with his feet. Guthix conjured up a fire ball and said"Why don't we play this the god way?" "Well if you insist."said Zamorack. The fire ball was gaining size and power. Then Zamorack kicked the ball into Guthix's net only to be stopped with a water wave which extinguished the ball. Then Guthix in possession and he kicks the ball only inches away from missing the goal but he made it! Then Zamorack started complaining and swearing so the coach disqualified him.








GUTHIX WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Here is the scoreboard
















Then Guthix received a trophy which said best player ever.......










Don't miss War II Guthix vs Sardomin coming soon!








Guthix VS Saradomin








A long time ago in a RuneScape world far far away. Two gods were warring over who gets the last ravioli in the refridgerator. The gods were Saradomin and Guthix. They warred and warred spilling more blood with each passing milisecond. They warred until Saradomin said, "Im tired of fighting mabye we should just split the ravioli 50/50?" "No!" said Guthix angrily," We shall have a race." Saradomin said," Sure, why not? First one to Lumbridge wins."




And thus the race began a few months later, the two gods met at the very tip of the Wilderness each with their own racing team. Saradomin's group was mainly mages. Guthix's group were mostly rangers. And in all they were all noobs. Saradomin said, "First one to Lumbridge wins!" Then Guthix said, "No fighting each other either." And thus the race really began.




Saradomin's group were nearing the hellhounds when they charged Saradomin presented an I.D card to the hellhounds that said "Saradomin, Occupation: God, Home Entrana". That was a very stupid thing to do because the hellhounds belonged to Zamorak and they all hated Saradomin. The hellhounds attacked. Saradomin summoned the strength of, wait for it........ Himself! So the Saradomin Strike he conjured smashed throught the hellhound ranks and cleared a path for his group. They marched onward.








Guthix's group was having a minor skirmish with the black dragons. They fought and fought. They fought until Guthix got mad and transformed into the Tz-Tok-Jad. The dragons ran away crying for their mommies. Guthix's group treaded into the bleak Wilderness, not knowing what lay ahead.








Saradomin and Guthix's group met up at last. They were bloodstained weary and angry. Not bearing in mind what Guthix said about not fighting and charged onward. Suddenly, all the arrows smashed into Saradomin, killing him. He dissapeared and guess where he turned up? Lumbridge! He got the ravioli but i has expired already and on the first bite Saradomin fainted. Guthix tried the ravioli and fell into a thousand year coma.

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  • 2 weeks later...

orginal, I vote that chapter 3 you do an rp of Guthix v. Zaros, You play guthix, archimage plays zaros. You can do what ever you want to control your own side, but it cannot effect the other side's playing ability.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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