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How to not get bored 101!


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This is a short little guide I'm writing because its something I would've found useful the first time I played RS and quit after a week due to boredom. Now I've started a new character and if you follow a couple things it helps to relieve the monotony of leveling a skill.




1. Play music in the background, always! If you like the Runescape music, more power to ya! If you're like me and don't really like the music....turn on your favourite playlist :)




2. Don't level the same skill for extended periods of time. Unless you are an extremist powerleveler and can mine for 6 hours, try moving around doing some different things. Try comboing skills together so you're leveling different skills in turn. Example of what I do: Fish a full inventory of salmon/trout, cut a tree, cook all the fish and go fight barbarians in Barb Village since thats where I'm fishing. I train my combat skills and prayer with their bones until I'm out of fish, and then I repeat! :) (Warning note: Doing this can be funner, but inefficient for time/money making[thanks to shoot2kill03])




3. Socialize! Many people may find this silly but for me personally the game is made much more enjoyable if I just talk to people while I level a skill. Ask where people are from, ask the skill level of whatever skill you're training with them. Ex, you're both fishing at a spot, ask him politely what his fishing level is. :)




4. Explore! Even though there is a world map, sometimes its just fun to crank your favourite song on full blast and just explore seeing what new monsters you can find and kill.




5. Variety! This is the most important. The premise is: No matter what you are doing, include variety somehow. Change is good. =]




6. Do something else! Other than watching for random events, most skill raising can be done while you're in another window. Find another simple internet game you like, be it a text based rpg or curveball on addictinggames.com, and play it while you play Runescape!(thanks to ebuka for this one)




Even if only 1 person finds this useful I'll be happy so leave me some feedback please. =]




7. Browse forums or talk on MSN! Pretty self explanatory. [thanks to mr_gr8 for the forums idea]




8. Break your goals down into smaller parts! If you have goals that are big, try to do them in smaller portions so you don't overwork yourself! [thanks Serpent_Arc]




9. Watch some TV! [thanks ugafan_2009]




C'mon mods, looking for a sticky here! :P

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You've got some good tips there. Mainly the first and the third. Although I already do the first one, you've brought up a good point. I hadn't played RS in over a year, but then once I played it while listening to my music in the background, and it made it much more enjoyable. You win.

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that sounds like good advice. especialy the music part. as weird as it is when i'm just sitting here training its alot more boring. but if you but on some music and maybe start talking to the people around you you'll have alot more fun. so nice little post =D> O:)





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good advice, but i have another one that can even help better, for example, am choping magic logs at the moment, and i have choped 725 so far in a go! without any breaks or anything, how? simple, i played runescape and watched tv on my computer.




or you could do something else like play a simple game over the net, while doing something boring on runescape.




2000 mage logs to go, till i get abby whip! :D

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Alright, I'm going to edit and update this as people give me feedback or suggestions and maybe I could get a sticky sometime in the future if I get enough support from you people. =]




Edited first post to add ebuka's idea and to add shoot2kill03's warning.

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I don't really know how to explain what I mean.




I guess it sort of ties in with what you covered in Comboing skills together, only not really.




I guess it's breaking your goals down into smaller parts.




Say I wanted to make 1K Steel bars. I usually would mine enough iron/coal to make 500 bars, then smith them all. Then, once I have made 500 of the bars, I go back and mine the rest of the ores needed and smelt those down.




This sort of breaks up the boredom of a huge task you set for yourself.

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Very good tips, especially for lower level chars getting past the first stages and for us high lvl chaps who are desperately trying to lvl our mining. Personally though, i like to stay focused on what im doing and prefer to relieve the monotony a bit by fighting a neraby monster to help relieve the monotony. Other than that, i find them very helpful, except for the fact that i love the runescape music :D




Keep up the good advice.


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"The only tyrant i accept in this world is the still voice within." - Mahatma Gandhi


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