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Can You Help Me Find A Good/Simple Sega Genesis Emulator?


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Well recently i discovered that you can play old console games such as the sega mega drive on your computer. I love all the games so i was just wondering if any1 knew a good emulator which i can use, i found an amazing site with all the games so i just need the emulator.




im not so good at computers, im ok i guess, so a simple-to-work emulator would Fantastic!




Thanx Alot!





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cant talk about that here...




that stuff is illegal.






Unless youown the orginial copy of the game, then its leagal.




Which, for the moment, we'll assume he does.




There a few good websites for emulation. A favourite of mine is http://www.emuv2.com.




I don't think they host a Sega Genesis emulator but I'll check around and edit this post if I find one.




Edit: I downloaded an emulator and scanned it. AVG says it's clean but I don't have any ROMs to test it out. You can get it here:




http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/ge ... usion.html

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kega fusion is the newest and most up to date sega emulator: http://www.eidolons-inn.net/tiki-index.php




It also emulates game gear, sega cd, sega master system and i believe it can fry an omelette.




If you have trouble with that one then go with the next newest, Gens, which is equally solid and may be a little easier for you to set up, although you shouldnt have trouble with either of them: http://gens.consolemul.com/








If you are looking for ROMs then emuasylum would be a good place to start: http://www.emuasylum.com








I used to have all sorts of ROM site links but I haven't messed with emulation much for about 4 years... heh. It was what got me into computers--learning to use google effectively in finding ROMs, learning to set up and configure software, downloading endless ROMs on my 56K modem, download accelerators, posting on gaming forums... I had more fun getting and setting up the stuff then I did actually using any of it. Heh now I have about 1.5 gigs of ROMs just sitting on my hard drive. Okay enough reminiscing, there are you links, have fun young man




edit: not to mention getting Spyware, learning to remove spyware and avoid spyware. The only real way to learn is to get spyware and viruses so that you know how to avoid them.

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emuparidise is good it has a good colection of romz and emulators emulatorzone is good 2 but only for emeulators and searching for romz never use google they have a good link for link 1 or 2 on emus but on roms you go through about everything NEVER EVER DO IT

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