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Demonsoul, Chapters, 1-8


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Chapter One




Aggron looked out at the setting sun. It was nearly impossible to get a quiet moment in Gielinor, which was the world he lived in. The peaceful moment didn't last long. Zamorack was planning another seige on the Monastry! He quickly picked up his blade and went to defend the Monastry. "Greetings Young Aggron,"said a monk warrior. "Hi Bob." said Aggron. There the army waited they waited for days and days. Until..... A cloud of dust was racing towards them. Zamorack's army destroyed the Monastry and killed nearly all the Monks, Warriors, and Veterans. Aggron was taken prisoner.




Aggron awoke in a fancy mansion with tons of food and gold. I would like to say that, but i can't. He actually awoke in a dark spooky cave. The mist around him was blood red. He drew his sword Lightsoul, out of its sheath.




Zamorack then grabbed him and started twisting his mind!




His blade must be the power source of his good soul' thought Zamorack. He took Lightsoul away and filled its blade with evil and demon souls. "Here is your new weapon, Demonsoul." said Zamorack. Aggron took the blade but his mind still remained good.




Zamorack then started changing his armor to Zamorackian Red trimming.




Aggron put on his armor.




A wave of evil swept through his mind destroying everything that was good about him. His new name was Demonaren Master Of Darkness. Demonaren, drew Demonsoul from its sheath, its red blade was not a dragon type sword, it was a dark type sword. He was no longer a holy warrior, he was a DEMON WARRIOR!!!!






Chapter Two




Demonaren looked out at what had once been his life, the monastry. He wanted to go back but he knew they would never accept him. He needed a cure to the Demoness little did he know Zamarack put the cure in a compartment in Demonsoul so he would never find it. He set out to the Seer's Village to consult the seers there and find out where the cure was.




Zamorack heard about this and he destroyed Seer's Village.




When Demonaren got to what had once been Seer's Village, he found out that it was destroyed and all the Seers died. He teleported to Karamja to seek refuge with the Lesser Demons there. They accepted him. The family of demons that accepted him was now like blood relatives to him. One day he went into Crandor Isle to seek the cure there, he wasn't back for 3 weeks. When he got home he saw the heads of his family severed and stuffed. He turned into his Aggron form and decided to find who did it.




Here is the list of suspects














Bob the Cat












This Guy-> :shock:




Encyclopedia Brown




Jagex Factory Janitor








A Greater Demon






He decided to go after the Greater Demon, cause Encyclopedia Brown didn't exist, Guthix was asleep, Arrav was dead, Bob was a cat,the janitor didn't play RuneScape and SOMEBODY had to kill his parents, we were not born yet. BAM Slash! The Greater Demon was killed and his soul was absorbed by Demonsoul.






Chapter 3




Demonaren continued his quest for the anditdote. Demonsoul was looking weak because it thrived by absorbing demon's souls. Then suddenly a heck of alot of hell-hounds sent by Zamorak charged at Demonaren. He sheathed Demonsoul and sent a wave of demon auras towards the hell hounds. It finished them off and their souls (30,000 souls to be exact) flew into Demonsoul. Its blood-red light gleamed and then Demonsoul grew! It was the size of a short sword but now it was as big as a 2h.




Demonaren's quest for the andidote was stopped slightly when he went into Ardougne. The paladins charged at him and almost slew him. But he sheathed Demonsoul and slammed it on the ground, causing an earthquake that killed the first wave of paladins. The resulting aftershocks killed the rest of the waves.




Now that his roadblock was killed, he jumped into the abyss that his earthquakes created and he travled back in time. He had to stop before he was sent back to the dinosaurs so he waited at a portal-rest stop.





Chapter Four




Demonaren's journey in the portal was long. After awhile his worst nightmare appeared, bloody mary.......




Demonaren swung Demonsoul at the spirit, but it phased through her. Her claws grew longer and sharper she stabbed Demonaren in the stomach. He said "Blasikner Da Vutough" it was a phrase of power that healed him right away.




He said "Mughet Va Edifch" Demonsoul glowed of a bloody light. Heatless flames were running down its blade. He swung Demonsoul, and beheaded Bloody Mary's ghost!




He said the words "Ba Yquetva La Huetla" A gap opened up in the time portal and he jumped through it.




He appeared in the very cave that held his transformation. He saw that Zamorak put the anditdote in Demonsoul. Then Demonaren opened up Demonsoul and drank the andidote. Zamorak saw this and teleported Demonaren (who was Aggron again) back to the battle so he could once again poison him.






Chapter 5






"Hi Bob,"replied Aggron.(Well you know what happened so i will just skip to the battle).




The battle raged on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Suprisingly Zamorak wasn't there. Aggron drew his sword, Lightsoul from its sheath did a full 360 spin and beheaded three hulls.




Zamorak then tried to take him prisoner but his efforts were futile. Aggron chopped off one of his horns. Then Zamorak took a guy named Nabi instead for a prisoner. Then Zamorak transformed Aggron's sword, once again into Demonsoul.




Nabi (who was transformed into Iban) used to be Aggron's best friend. He was enraged that Zamorak took him prisoner.




Then Iban rushed at Aggron behind his back, and stabbed him. Aggron's blood spilled onto the Monastry floor. Iban realized what a mistake he made and he froze his friend so his body can heal itself while being frozen.






Chapter 6






Iban then rushed to the Underground Pass where he planned to stay all his life in.




After hundreds of years, the world of "RuneScape" was introduced to Gielenor. More and more people were being generated and Gielenor was a bustling country.




Then on Zamorak's second assualt on Gielenor, more people died than ever.




Aggron's body was healed and strengthened by 10000000000 times. Iban had done his job. Now he needed to save Gielenor from Zamorak.




He stepped out of his capsule. Then the monks were shocked! They bestoyed honors on him for protecting the Monastry 800 years ago. He didn't really want the honors and was slightly annoyed by them. So he set the capsule for 500 more years and froze himself again.





Chapter 7






There he waited, in frozen slumber as the ages passed. Zamorak had forced Saradomin and Guthix to be his slaves. Saradomin one day could take no more and he commited suicide. Guthix was immortal so no matter how hard he tried he couldn't escape slavery by suicide.




Then when the time had come for hi mto be realeased from his slumber, the Monastry was in ruins, all holy churches of Saradomin were converted into Zamorackian churches.




It was a nightmare. But the capsule had powered him up so many times he was 10 times stronger than Zamorak. Demonsoul was still in its capsule. He took it out and found that it had morphed into Omnidemonblade(pronounced Om-Ni-Dee-Mon-Blade).




He was forced to take cover because Zamorak's army was so large they could easily overpower him.




Zamorak's son Iban forgot all about Aggron and helped his father take over Gielenor.





Chapter 8






Then fifteen years later Aggron built a army of rebels. He found the Monastry's old storeroom for capsules and he froze himself, and his comrades for 15,000 years.




The troops were now stronger than 1,000lvl 126s put together.




Then Aggron charged his troops into the castle of Zamorak. Guthix joined them and set the castle ablaze. Zamorak's troops and Iban were killed. Zamorak then went outside to escape certain death.




Aggron challenged Zamorak to a duel.




Zamorak accepted and drew his sword.




Aggron drew out Omnidemonblade.




Aggron charged.




Zamorak charged.




They miss each other by about an inch.




Zamorak drew out his bow.




Aggron was struck by a transformation arrow.




He transformed into Demonaren again.




Demonsoul merged with him.




His hand transformed into a red blade.




Zamorak wonders "What the hell is he doing?"




Demonaren charged at Zamorak.




Zamorak made himself invulnerble to any blades.




Demonaren plunged the sword into the ground.




A large spiderweb of cracks appeared.




The ground on which thay were battling exploded.




In a flash of white light, Zamorak perished. Demonaren then used up all his life force to bring Saradomin back from the dead. His eyes closed, and they never opened up again..........

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Uhm..interesting, is that the end?


If not i dont know where you are going to go with it. It started out really good, but moved way to fast into action and whatnot. I say keep writing, slow things down( i have the same problem #-o )and try to stick to one subject. :)







The Carter III

"I can get your brains for a bargain, like I bought it from Target.

Hiphop is my supermarket, shoppin' cart full of fake hiphop artists."

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Sorta short, like what, two full paragraphs per chapter?






Still good though, keep wroking on it.

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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Very, quit flaming and I apologize for mini-moding




First you used the abbreviation "2h" fix it before I kill you because I like this story. Second, you have a very intresting balance of comedy and action, slow it down and try to stick closer to one or the other. Your chapters were a bit short but I've seen worse.






"Greetings Young Aggron,"said a monk warrior. "Hi Bob." said Aggron. There the army waited they waited for days and days. Until..... A cloud of dust was racing towards them. Zamorack's army destroyed the Monastry and killed nearly all the Monks, Warriors, and Veterans. Aggron was taken prisoner.


Tell us about the battle.




Aggron awoke in a fancy mansion with tons of food and gold


how is it fancy?




Zamorack then grabbed him and started twisting his mind!


Describe this epic struggle. Something more along the lines of, "As he drew Lightsoul out of its sheath he felt an invasion in the back of his mind. He began to concentrate to push the invasion back. It took the shape of a shear black ooze twisting, despoiling and rotting what ever it touched. He desperatly threw up mental barries but even his incredible strenght of will was not match for the power of the dark god of chaos."


(I apologize for my misspellings, but I threw this together on the spot)






no caps and only one exclamation point is needed.




I absolutely loved the list of suspects, but it kinda ruins the story. Its the only truely funny section of hte story and stands out like a well... a halarious section of a serious story.




He said "Blasikner Da Vutough" it was a phrase of power that healed him right away.



Maybe something more along the lines of "Blasikner Da Vutoug!" He shouted, and felt and a soothing warmth flow through his body as his wounds closed before his eyes."




I really don't think this story needs an additional chapters, your ending is dark but really cool just the same.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Well i added four additional chapters that elaborates the story some more. The ending is darker than it had been before because Aggron died. But he died because he rid Gielenor of the evil that is Zamorak. Anyways i put the entire of chapter eight in 1-sentence paragraphs, cause i always wanted to do that.

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