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The meaning of life, or perhaps im just insane.


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if time was infinite, then it took forever to reach this point. but here we are right? the future is irrelevant in case that crosses ur mind





im assuming you posted this again because you didnt think it was answered?




i explained how infinty works in the other post, there is no reason why an infinite amount of time couldnt have already passed. you can still add to infinity.




I believe that Katsuro is trying to make a Kalam-type argument. Basically, (1) in order to reach the present moment, every moment before this one must have been completed. (2) An infinite task cannot be completed. Therefore, an infinite number of moments cannot have occured before now, because an infinite number of moments would have to have been completed.




I'm not saying I agree with the argument, just trying to clarify what Katsuro is saying.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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if time was infinite, then it took forever to reach this point. but here we are right? the future is irrelevant in case that crosses ur mind





im assuming you posted this again because you didnt think it was answered?




i explained how infinty works in the other post, there is no reason why an infinite amount of time couldnt have already passed. you can still add to infinity.




I believe that Katsuro is trying to make a Kalam-type argument. Basically, (1) in order to reach the present moment, every moment before this one must have been completed. (2) An infinite task cannot be completed. Therefore, an infinite number of moments cannot have occured before now, because an infinite number of moments would have to have been completed.




I'm not saying I agree with the argument, just trying to clarify what Katsuro is saying.




That's silly. If there was nothing before a certain point had been reached, you can also consider that nothingness to be something. Check my post above, if you want my point view on the matter.


So I'm with indy here; there has infinitively been going on something, even if it's nothing.




btw, hi Astra! *waves*

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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if time was infinite, then it took forever to reach this point. but here we are right? the future is irrelevant in case that crosses ur mind





im assuming you posted this again because you didnt think it was answered?




i explained how infinty works in the other post, there is no reason why an infinite amount of time couldnt have already passed. you can still add to infinity.




I believe that Katsuro is trying to make a Kalam-type argument. Basically, (1) in order to reach the present moment, every moment before this one must have been completed. (2) An infinite task cannot be completed. Therefore, an infinite number of moments cannot have occured before now, because an infinite number of moments would have to have been completed.




I'm not saying I agree with the argument, just trying to clarify what Katsuro is saying.




That's silly. If there was nothing before a certain point had been reached, you can also consider that nothingness to be something. Check my post above, if you want my point view on the matter.


So I'm with indy here; there has infinitively been going on something, even if it's nothing.




btw, hi Astra! *waves*




Hey, Oy! *waves back* I really ought to drop into the AS forum some time to see everyone. Then again, I really ought to log into my AS character sometime too. :P




And I don't quite get what you mean about considering that nothing to be something? Those are rather contradictory terms - how do you reconcile that?




As for something being infinite, I agree that something must be exist for infinity, but to me it makes more sense that a divinity is infinite, not this universe. But anyway, this topic isn't about that, is it? :P




Anyways, quantum physics and all that is way beyond what I've learned so far - I won't even take a physics course until my senior year of high school, so much of this is beyond me.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Hey, Oy! *waves back* I really ought to drop into the AS forum some time to see everyone. Then again, I really ought to log into my AS character sometime too. :P




And I don't quite get what you mean about considering that nothing to be something? Those are rather contradictory terms - how do you reconcile that?


Well, it's not because something doesn't consist of atoms and molecules, that we can't say it exists, can we? We also have numerous names for the space, which is basically nothing as well.


If you want to know what I mean by 'nothing is something', check the upper post I made.




As for something being infinite, I agree that something must be exist for infinity, but to me it makes more sense that a divinity is infinite, not this universe. But anyway, this topic isn't about that, is it? :P




Heh, I knew you were gonna say something like that. But anyway, isn't every divinity part of the universe as much as we're part of it? Well, you probably think God isn't, but I do :)

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Hey, Oy! *waves back* I really ought to drop into the AS forum some time to see everyone. Then again, I really ought to log into my AS character sometime too. :P




And I don't quite get what you mean about considering that nothing to be something? Those are rather contradictory terms - how do you reconcile that?


Well, it's not because something doesn't consist of atoms and molecules, that we can't say it exists, can we? We also have numerous names for the space, which is basically nothing as well.


If you want to know what I mean by 'nothing is something', check the upper post I made.




Ok, I think I get what you're saying. It doesn't quite make sense in my mind, but I can see how one could say that a lack of something is, in itself, something.




As for something being infinite, I agree that something must be exist for infinity, but to me it makes more sense that a divinity is infinite, not this universe. But anyway, this topic isn't about that, is it? :P




Heh, I knew you were gonna say something like that. But anyway, isn't every divinity part of the universe as much as we're part of it? Well, you probably think God isn't, but I do :)




Heh, of course! How could I resist? :P But to me, God is something totally seperate from the universe, which is part of what makes him God.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Wow I don't understand this at all - being ignorantly stupid is bliss :D .




Indeed it is, but the talk of quantum physics arouses me...


now all we need is some MC Hawking mp3's and let the space boogie begin.

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I personally beleive that time did have a beginning. It may go on forever but it did have a start. I believe this because I can't get my head round a two ended infinity of time. Numbers, I can deal with infinity of that because you can always add one more but with time, I think it must have started somewhere.




[Offtopic] Lp, as Pink Floyd fan, what your sig says has to be the saddest and most moving thing I've seen on these forums. [\Offtopic]


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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time isnt any different than numbers. we are always at 0. there is always an infinite amount of time in front of us and behind us. thats the way numbers work too, you do know numbers go infinitly negative too, right?



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ahhh!!! a quantum explosion of contradictions!!!


meh, i believe that in this universe there was a beginning, much like the bigbang, and it flows outward like an expanding sphere until it reaches its peak and collapses due mainly to the thought process of those governing it

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insane :shame: . the meaning of life is 2 things. every living thing on this planet can expect the same thing,




1. To Die


2. To Reproduce




thus is the meaning of life.


Engl1sh of RSAlliance

Goals Att 80 - Str 80 - Def 80 - Slayer 85

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time isnt any different than numbers. we are always at 0. there is always an infinite amount of time in front of us and behind us. thats the way numbers work too, you do know numbers go infinitly negative too, right?




Yeah I know about infinite negative numbers but they are expanding backwards. To me that means that for time to have infinity at both ends, the back end of the infinity needs to be going backwards as well. I understand how the front end moves, because we are in it but the back end has to be moving too if you get me. Thats what I can't get.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Yeah I know about infinite negative numbers but they are expanding backwards. To me that means that for time to have infinity at both ends, the back end of the infinity needs to be going backwards as well. I understand how the front end moves, because we are in it but the back end has to be moving too if you get me. Thats what I can't get.




it isnt expanding either way. it goes infinitly both ways.



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if an infinite amount of time has passed, then its not infinite. and i did say that in the other post




haha, you need to read more about infinity. maybe take a calculus class, thats where i learned. if an infinite amount of time has passed, and you add more to it, it is still infinity. infinity+infinity=infinity




You can't just have equations adding and multiplying infinity to numbers. Infinity isn't really a number it is a representation of something that has no limit.




Not sure what calculus you took, but in my classes it was all about limits of functions and sequences, sometimes as they go to infinity.






then: infinity+infinity-infinity=infinity-infinity




thats why you don't use infinity as a number.




But back on subject. To me there no meaning of life, that's what I've finally realized. Do whatever the hell you want, there aren't consequences for our actions, we all die anyways, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters.

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Yeah I know about infinite negative numbers but they are expanding backwards. To me that means that for time to have infinity at both ends, the back end of the infinity needs to be going backwards as well. I understand how the front end moves, because we are in it but the back end has to be moving too if you get me. Thats what I can't get.




it isnt expanding either way. it goes infinitly both ways.




So that means that we are just going along and everything has already been decided?


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Yeah I know about infinite negative numbers but they are expanding backwards. To me that means that for time to have infinity at both ends, the back end of the infinity needs to be going backwards as well. I understand how the front end moves, because we are in it but the back end has to be moving too if you get me. Thats what I can't get.




it isnt expanding either way. it goes infinitly both ways.




So that means that we are just going along and everything has already been decided?




No, I don't think anyone is arguing predestination here. I think we ditched that back in the 17th or early 18th century.

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So that means that we are just going along and everything has already been decided?




i have no idea how you jumped to that from what i said. i cant see any connection whatsoever.




but anyways, whether or not predestination exists is a whole other line of reasoning, and i havent decided wether or not i think it exists.



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then: infinity+infinity-infinity=infinity-infinity






thats not right, you are thinking of it as a variable now. infinity-infinity=infinity.




It really depends on your infinity, for we have different levels of infinity that are bigger than others. For instance, an infinite train of numberts (10, 20, 30, 40...) is bigger than the set of integers to infinity (1,2,3,4,5).




Still, it's beside the point. Your meaning of life is dependent upon your viewpoint. If you believe we're just animals, then the meaning of life is to reproduce. But if you believe we're more than animals (specifically that we have eternal souls that are shaped in the image of God Himself), then the meaning changes entirely. Not only are we to live our daily lives honoring God, but we are called to do more: to actually take up our crosses and sacrifice all of ourselves for His purposes.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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ooo infinites, theyre so fun arent they? but yes, meaning in life is entirely dependent on belief of lack there of. if you dont believe in god and have no sense of ultimate good, or good of the people, then maybe youre meaning of life is just to reproduce, but i think in general, bringing society towards greater levels is something we should all strive for. doesnt matter in the end anyways, thats whats is so great about religion, if you think youve lived your life well and served Him or whatever you want to call it, then you'll go to wherever you expect to go.

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So that means that we are just going along and everything has already been decided?




i have no idea how you jumped to that from what i said. i cant see any connection whatsoever.




but anyways, whether or not predestination exists is a whole other line of reasoning, and i havent decided wether or not i think it exists.




I kind of assumed that time was one big line, no end or start and we are just moving down a certain section of time which is already planned out. Sorry if thats what you didn't mean :D .


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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All I have to say is "LOL".




I hate to use that term, I really do.. but...




Are you high or something? I mean, seriously can I get some of stuff you're on? It seems pretty sweet.






Two possible explinations for the original post:




Theory I - You're High


You see, when you take drugs, whether it be pot or crack or any other narcotic, your judgement becomes impaired, and you get all kinds of crazy ideas...




Theory II - You're Trying to Sound Like an Intellectual


Sometimes people like to think they're smarter than they are, or want people to beleive that they're smarter than they are, so they post stuff like this.








Drivel. Pure and simple. Drivel.






Note I - Why the Original Post was Drivel


I've noted possible motivations for said drivel, but not why it is drivel. I think PureCheese said it best when he described "Chapter II" as a "bunch of fancy terms thrown together". "Quantum Mechanics", "The Butterfly Effect", etc.: all buzz-words used in completely innane ways. Most of the rest of the post was the same, buzz-words used in innane ways. Things that weren't that were just random blitherings that ammounted to saying "everything is relative".








Click on Website to join my clan, Impures Unite.


Shouldn't there be more dwarf truck stops? Click to support.

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