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tip 4 smither level 74 !!!!!


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it really start to get more more slow now at smith level 74 so i was woundering 4 a way to buy mith bars 1k ech and make armor or weaponse then sell agien but most of way find out that i will lose money


and i wounder if post here asking to smith 4 ppl there ore would they accept alot of id so i share with ppl whos pass this smithing level or still in same level so guys tip me !!! :notalk:

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cheaper way - go to the mining guild, with a fire/lava staff, lots of natures and your pickaxe. mine and smelt your own mithril on the spot, making each bar only 350-400ea, then make mithril arrowheads, leadiong to mithril arrows, which is the only way to make profit out of smithing (if you are f2p, then just make plates, the least loss is there)

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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ya sorry i should say it befor iam f2p all what i was doing is plate but to slow and not good money from it ppl are lower in skill and make more money than iam coz iam foucsing on training the skill and make money in same time

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I am also lvl 74 smithing and i stopped training it a long time ago




Smithing ain't a good moneymaker since you have to buy all the stuff you need or get some stuff yourself




What I did to get to that lvl was mostly smelting steel bars and selling them....I made steel plates and high alch them sometimes too




What I think the best way to train and make money is to buy coal and mine iron ores then make steel plates then sell them to people who wants to train magic

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cheaper way - go to the mining guild, with a fire/lava staff, lots of natures and your pickaxe. mine and smelt your own mithril on the spot, making each bar only 350-400ea, then make mithril arrowheads, leadiong to mithril arrows, which is the only way to make profit out of smithing (if you are f2p, then just make plates, the least loss is there)


I know he's already said he's f2p, but a better option for p2pers may be to use the blast furnace, it takes a little longer but uses half the coal(and i think you can load it up with 26 bars worth at a time). Theres a shop which sells ores too, a shop which buys armours, and an anvil. Use of anvil and blast furnace is free for people with 60+ smithing, so it's a good place to hang and make lots of arrowheads as they stack in your inv, just take a could supply of cash to buy ores from the shop, and maybe some noted ores to sell then buy back, as the shop only stocks 100 of each ore and the stock doesn't respawn like normal shops, but rather a bulk in one ore at a time.

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Here is what I would do :


Buy a lot of iron ores at 100 gp each, then spend a few hours mining coal at the mining guild until you have enough coal to smelt all of your iron into steel bars, then sell them for 600gp each.


You get a nice profit a still get good smithing xp.


This method got me on the highscores !


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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cheaper way - go to the mining guild, with a fire/lava staff, lots of natures and your pickaxe. mine and smelt your own mithril on the spot, making each bar only 350-400ea, then make mithril arrowheads, leadiong to mithril arrows, which is the only way to make profit out of smithing (if you are f2p, then just make plates, the least loss is there)


I know he's already said he's f2p, but a better option for p2pers may be to use the blast furnace, it takes a little longer but uses half the coal(and i think you can load it up with 26 bars worth at a time). Theres a shop which sells ores too, a shop which buys armours, and an anvil. Use of anvil and blast furnace is free for people with 60+ smithing, so it's a good place to hang and make lots of arrowheads as they stack in your inv, just take a could supply of cash to buy ores from the shop, and maybe some noted ores to sell then buy back, as the shop only stocks 100 of each ore and the stock doesn't respawn like normal shops, but rather a bulk in one ore at a time.




If you buy your ores from the store, the average prices of coal and iron are:




Iron: 50 gp


Coal: 135 gp




(info taken from another site)




Given these prices, each bar of steel will cost you 185 gp. A steel plate requires 5 steel bars so it will cost you 185*5 or 925 to make. Assuming that a nature costs 300, you will lose 25 coins per steel plate high alched if you use the blast furnace.




This is an excellent deal if you ask me.




You can also make arrowheads in the blast furnace if you like, but steel plates are much quicker.




Another p2p option that does not involve the furnace is smelting gold bars while wearing goldcrafting gauntlets. Awesome experience, but gold ore tends to be expensive and you will need to find a use for all of those gold bars if you intend to break even or turn a profit (I craft mine into rings of various types).




No matter how you look at it, smithing is a really tough skill to level.

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I am lvl 75 smithing and I really only make addi bars these days...I drink dwarven stouts (m) and make addi full helms and alch em...I always lose money on buying the coal to do this but I figure..why not? Very few people have smithing lvls in excess of 75 so it's worth it just to be in the high rank of smithers! :)


I get most of my addi ores while killing blues in the hero dungeon. I grab em when somebody steals the dragon from me :(

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:-w lets say togther iam non member iam non member any way untill now i think what dragon lord say is best 4 f2p :roll: that not mean all id id is not nop it help but not me :-k so thx guys but it still open 4 any more idz coz it getting more intrsting with ppl whos pass this level like rune smither so keep it on :idea:

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Buying coal for 180ea and mine your own mithril. Make Mith bars and turn them into mith items. Sell Mith items 720ea per bar and you brake even. Or sell for 750ea per bar and make a lil profit. This is better xp than steel plates and you still dont lose money

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iam lost here :? what u mean per bar !! of course i got all my smithing level from making mith barz and then turning them to armorz or weaponse and then take agez 4 some one to buy from u so i hope u clear what u mean per bar and thx

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you are at the best level for making money in smithing. before lvl 74, youd be spending more than you make, after level 74 you now have 2 great options to make money smithing




option 1: note, you can do this method at any level once you can smelt steel, i just put it here because its still one of the best options for f2p at any level. mine/buy enough iron and coal to make about 2k steel bars. smelt them in al kharid, then come on the forums and look for players who will trade your bars for ore plus cash. some players, like titan steel co pay more per steel bar depending on the volume of the trade. the reason i recommend this method is that you save lots of time because you dont have to try and merchant your steel then look for ore sellers, your steel buyer and ore seller is a single player, and you get the profit youd make from the sale right there. (of course, if you dont mind merchant and want 600 per bar, be my guest, but for serious smithers, its more important to get the trade done quickly and get back to smelting). your smithing level will go up at a decent rate, and it will make you a comfortable profit. plus you can reinvest for more ores and make more money per trade.




option 2: warning: before you do this, i recommend lvl 80+ combat, full rune or green dragon and a rune weapon, and teleports (ideally bone sceptre), you will be in lvl 30+ wildy, near agressive monsters, and in a team-pk route. so beware. in your inventory should be your rune pick, a fire staff, lots of natures, a hammer and your tele method. i suggest wielding your rune scimmy, rather than walking up into the wildy with your pick in hand, for obvious reasons.




the hobgoblin mine is one of the least known money makers for smiths. at lvl 74 you can make addy short swords which alch for 1249 gp, and is the best value per bar you get from addy until level 84. dont make anything else to alch. you have all the coal and addy youd possibly need. the great thing about the hobgoblin mine is that a little southwest is an anvil. so you can stay in the wildy as long as you want and not need to make bank trips for days, as long as you exercise caution. hobgoblins are agressive, but at a decent level they will hardly damage you, and havinng one on you frustrates pkers. in fact, you can continue mining even under attack, as well as superheat your items. and of course killing the goblin is also a good idea if youre taking more damage than necessary, as long as the coast is clear. basically, mine the 7 addy ores, then mine enough coal (42) to make them into. bars by that time the addy should be respawning, so simply repeat till full (3 rounds is 21 bars) then walk down to the anvil and make all into swords, and alch them out. you will make lots of money this way






both ways are relatively slow to make money, but also very good for smithing exp. and takes advantage of the smithing lvl youve worked so hard to reach. more importantly, they are all pure profit methods

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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=D> now that is nice shade i think i can go with wildy


thing i always like risk and wildy 2 but i thouth that miner have 7 addy


is member i will chik about it but it good id 4 sure thx dude :thumbsup:

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