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New Quest


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I Think there should be a new quest where you have to try and kill Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris is level 1000 and has three forms. The first form he wields the skulls of his victim. In his second form he wields 5 Uzis. In his Third form he wields full Jungle Camouflage with an Uzi and a flamethrower.




The reward for killing Chuck Norris is level 99 in every skill as he is impossible to beat as he killed both the Dagganoth King and the Kalphite Queen in one hit each.




Like my idea? I do!

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Chuck Norris was awesome before Chuck Norris jokes.




Chuck Norris was awesome before he was a Texas Ranger.




Chuck Norris is so awesome, TV ratings and box-office records would not do him justice or give him enough fame. :lol:




But I don't think the idea would fit the game.

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would be pointless, because as you said people would not be able to beat him, therefore people would not be able to complete the quest. For people who are avid questers, or people who like to complete all quests, this would ruin the game

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I think you're just joking about this quest.




I sure hope you are. Cause if you were serious, then you really need to think up better quests. n_n;;;

XXXX says I'm a noob. And then keeled me with his troop of lvl 100 CW buddies.

Yay for being a Dead Noob. XD

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And I'm left wondering why this thread hasn't been locked.




Now, wouldn't it be funny if good ol' Chuck Norris was actually a player in Runescape? I wonder what his screen name would be. Would he be a pk-er or someone who concentrates on developing skills?




What would he think about people who try to scam him in trades?




What would he think about suggestion threads like this?




Things that make you go "hmmm"


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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