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85 Ranged Blog - 2,5K Blue Drags 81/85 400 B + H sold

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yeah thats right, 85 ranged, i've had plenty of goals in the past which i havent acheived, and this one i hope to acheive. 85 ranged. Oh wait, i did acheive fire cape lol




Heres some of my latest acheivements:


















Almost 86 attack now, will get probally when drags get busy.






Anyway, back to 85 ranged. I wanted this, when last night i portal pked with some friends, and i went as a mage\ranger, but then i got pwned by sme 90s ( lol ) well, i was in mystic, so 3 or 4 dds and scims coming at me while wearing mystic, trying to pot and tb and then trying to eat didnt really work, so i died lol. anyway it was fun and i just wanna raise my stats a bit. 85 ranged first, then 85 mage with the 11,25m or what ever from blues :D Wish me luck , almost 81 ranged, will post pic when i have it.











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1: Rune legs, Rune full helm, Two Rune pick axes, Rune battle axe, 12 green fire lighters, sorry forgot to pic.




2: Rune kite (h1) woot lol, rune full helm, 13 lobbs, black d hide body, 4691gp and 13 red fire lighters.









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Day 1: Remembered the pking i done last night, and then thought of this goal. Brought 11k iron arrows, and went off to heroes guild to range. killed around 26 at heroes, and then went to watch tower, friend showed me some safe spots, and then i carried on ranging. Dam these things have high defence i said to myself lol. Buryied two bones dam it! Oh well.




End of day 1:


D bones: 233


Hides: 236


Was a fun day, done a bit of pking at the end of it, and then made a clan with a good mate, so expect to see me advertising it soon :D




Day 2:






End of day 2:


D bones:318


Hides: 322 + brought 12 from shop = 334.






Day 3:






End of day 3:


D bones: 47


Hides: 31


Sold 400 hides and bones, 1,8m in two trades, one trade for bones, one for hides.



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