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dont bump so effen soon... jesus its been like 10 mins... its not very good, alright cut job i guess, font sucks and its realy blurry, border is pretty sad








How about you give her some pointers insteed of just saying whats wrong?








The cut out of the character is ok, but I would recomend a 1 px black stroke. Same wit hthe text, because it seems very hard to read. As for the border, it doesnt seem to fit with the sig. Try a 1 px black border, followed by a 1 px interior white border.








Hope that helps.

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You need to sharpen your figure. Maybe make a seperate background for it?




Otherwise it's very nice.
















its people like u that make newbs think that their sigs are good so they never get better... forum.tip is so godamn soft its scary...




its not very good u shuld look off some other people sigs for ideas maybe?




or search on google for photoshop tutorials?

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