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Morytania Uprising


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It started as a normal day. Drezel woke up, prayed, washed his weapon (a saridoman staff), prayed, buried the daily shipment of bones, prayed, and sat down to read The Holy Saridoman Book while waiting to assist adventurers on their voyages to Morytania and guard the temple from any inhabitents of Morytania who wanted to get in. It was 10 to Rune and drezel was getting hungry. He decided to let his trust-worthy assistent, Fripplebubby, guard the temple while he went in search of food. He found some rich travelers who gladly offered food and wine for him and Fripplebubby. When he got back to the temple, he found the temple guardian slayed. "Oh no!" He thought, "Where is Fripplebubby?" He hurried past the gate, past the well, and throught the second gate. There was Fripplebubby with a Dragon Spear through his heart along with a horde of vampires, werewolves and such ready to storm their way into the Holy Land. Drezel didn't even had time to utter the smallest wind strike before he was killed. Through the temple went the monsters with plenty more following in their wake. TO BE CONTUNIUED


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Too many spelling ang grammar errors. =\

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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