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2.4 billion maximum item amount?!!?!?!?


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i've been hearing alot that the maximum amount for an item whether it be gp or runes or arrows or whatever is 2.4bill (2400m). is this true? if so, anyone have any screenshots? (no fakes plz)


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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Nobody could take a screenshot of that because once you hit the cap all of your items/gp go negative aka disappear. Who wants to see 2bil+ go bye-bye?


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Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

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Nobody could take a screenshot of that because once you hit the cap all of your items/gp go negative aka disappear. Who wants to see 2bil+ go bye-bye?




It disappaers? are you sure?

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Nobody could take a screenshot of that because once you hit the cap all of your items/gp go negative aka disappear. Who wants to see 2bil+ go bye-bye?




It disappaers? are you sure?




Search for r2 pleasant petition.




who really needs anything over 1bil? i mean blue party hat is like 250+mil now i think. i dont really think any1 is gonna have a problem with the cap space




There are already players that have a bank worth well over 2bil. While most players will never have a problem with this a select few have to deal nearly exclusively in items for big trades now. Blues are nearing 500mil btw.


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Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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who really needs anything over 1bil? i mean blue party hat is like 250+mil now i think. i dont really think any1 is gonna have a problem with the cap space
im pretty sure they're around 450m now.






thanks to everyone for posting




and to RHAK, what do u mean?? why the hell would they all disappear. that just doesn't make sense.


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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he means ounce you go 1gp above to cap the bank cant handel that so it has to turn it into a negative number to be able to handle thus loosing all your money :boohoo:


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lol i though that when you go over 1 bil you need a whole new bank/inventory slot for all your extra money. lol I guess i was wrong...or was I? No I was probley wrong

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lol i though that when you go over 1 bil you need a whole new bank/inventory slot for all your extra money. lol I guess i was wrong...or was I? No I was probley wrong




I think thats close to it, I think that once you go more than 2.4bil the item has to be stacked in a different slot.




but that was the old cap, I heard jagex updated it so it could hold like 1.6 trillion.

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Because of the way that runescape/java is programmed the gp goes byebye. Trust me. If you don't believe me feel free to test it out yourself. :wink:


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Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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ask zezima maybe she has more than 5 trillions lol




zezima is a guy and hes not that rich he is jsut able to make money easily cuz people are willing to pay him like 1 million for ashes jsut to say they traded wiht zezima


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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the max isd 2,1 bil




it is 2^31 everyone that now a tiny bit about computer programming knows that is sometinhg liek 2,1 bill and that is the cape if youwant more you could get up to 2^63 but that woudl amke rnescape about twice as slow

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7FFF FFFF in hex translates to 2,147,483,647 in decimal. I can't help but think it's related, but how, I can't tell you.




(it's equal to 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 in binary too, which I think means it's a 31bit long string)




Add 1 to it and that turns to 8000 0000 in hex and 2,147,483,648 in decimal and 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin.

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the max isd 2,1 bil




it is 2^31 everyone that now a tiny bit about computer programming knows that is sometinhg liek 2,1 bill and that is the cape if youwant more you could get up to 2^63 but that woudl amke rnescape about twice as slow

was that english? oh.. my mistake, just very poor grammar and mechanics


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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There IS a cap, because Java can't handle really high numbers (its near 2,100M).


If u add more money to it, it won't be added so it would dissapear.








I have 2,1B in my bank and i just got 10K from a quest, i add it to my money amount and what happends? NOTHING, it won't be added but it will be lost, only the 10k tough. :boohoo:

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There IS a cap, because Java can't handle really high numbers (its near 2,100M).


If u add more money to it, it won't be added so it would dissapear.








I have 2,1B in my bank and i just got 10K from a quest, i add it to my money amount and what happends? NOTHING, it won't be added but it will be lost, only the 10k tough. :boohoo:




That is not how it works. It all goes away once you hit the cap, read this:










The easiest thing that jagex could do is create another currency, such as silver pieces, or I dunno, dragon coins? :lol:.




Basicly said, 1 dragon coin could be equal to say... 1 million. They would be stackable and act just like coins. This way, you could effectivly hold 2100M of coins worth 1 million each, thus having the problem solved.






This is what they did on lineage II private server's I played on. Because in the full game getting 2.1billion was very hard (and, heres the bad part. In lineage II it doesn't just "not let you get anything" or delete the money you had before, but it infact if you go over 2.1billion turn your money into a negative, making you lose it all.) they made it so you had "gold coins" worth like 50 mil each or so.




I'm afraid that Lineage II and Runescape 2 share that massive flaw. I have been informed that GP also becomes negative after 2100M, which is just insane if you ask me. Sure, right now there might only be a very small amount of players that will have a problem with the cap, but the situation will only worsen over time. In a year from now when Phat Sets cost around the same as the cap (2100M), this could lead to massive problems.


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Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

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