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Making 10 mil for a whip and other things


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I'm looking for a good money maker for my stats that can make me around 10 mil :ohnoes: To help pay for me getting 57 herblore :ohnoes: and other skills up so I am able to do every quest there is :ohnoes: . I also want to buy a whip so I figure mainly getting levels for devious minds and Fairy Tale part II and other, smaller requirement quests will cost cost me around 5 mil. Also I'd need 1 or 2 mil for supplies and last 2.5 mil for a whip :thumbsup: I just need a good money maker and I'm willing to merchant ( as long as the merchanting is 300k+ per hour) or some not boring thing(I could abyss craft for a few horus to get cash for merchanting but there may be better things) My good friend suggested catch lobs until 76 fishing and sell them all and that should get me enough to merchant whips and he said that worked out good for him, he has full guthans I think. So are there any other good money makers? I like raisng skills but I can merchant if its the fastest way. If I should merchant should I merchant barrows? Runes from store? Vials? Obby Sets? Whips? or bulk things like yew longs or plain yews? All the money making guide I have tried were junk and were really popular so it was hard to merchant. If its emrchanting can it please be something unpopular so I can get the slae easily and often? Look me up for my stats and I finally got pouches up to large for ruencrafting thanks to the new abyss and fairy rings.








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Doing a little bit of everything

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ok. I"ll fish to 76 I guess and try to get my toehr goals in my sig done and earn cash while I'm at it. And once I get some of the skills done I'll emrcahnt nruens for cash. I guess thats good.


Doing a little bit of everything

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You have no idea what you are getting youself into. It takes me hours and hours to level my fishing using monkfish. I dont merchant myself, but nat crafting is a great way to make money. The abyss is the most efficient method, just bring an ectophial, a hachet or pickax, a prayer potion, your amulet of glory, and boots of lightness. if you encounter a pker, first try to get the zamorak mage to tele you out, if you get bound, ectophial out, and if you get teleblocked and bound, drink your prayer potion, slap on protect item, and prepare to laugh at the pker who ends up getting an inventory of essence instead of a glory. The other, less dangerous method, is to use fairy rings. Take the fairy rings to the ring north of Shilo Village (combination CKR), run to the nat altar and craft your nats, then go back to the fairy ring and take it to Edgeville and bank there (combination DKR). Then take the fairy ring back to Shilo Village... this method is slower and you will need a nature tally, but it is safe (unless you're afraid of jungle spiders lol)

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I would sue house tele instead of glory in the abyss. Its my d hdie and pouches I'm worried about. And ;last time I got pked gettinbg ecto back was a pain. I guess I'll try the fairy ring way for a little


Doing a little bit of everything

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buy willows and fletch till 70, then sell the willows to general store then buy 1k yews and bs and sell to players 550k-600k and over and over...






how i made over 15m on my other char before it was banned...

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.

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Its been one of my ideas to fletch for cash too but I don't really have enough cahs to buy enoug hwllows for 70 yew lol. And smithing and rc are gunna be free levels because for smith buying iron bars 200 per and making darts and selling. profit actually. Rc just craft nats for a profit.


Doing a little bit of everything

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