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I bet alot of people have gone to the Duel Arena, and probably some of you have thought, well, this is place is getting boring. Well here's the idea. Next to the alter room, a room, maybe like a stable or something, some NPC's that you can talk to so you can how to joust. Then after the jousting explanation thing, you can talk to some other NPC and buy jousting equipment like lances, special joust shields, and some armor. (Of course, you can use regular armor and shields, but they aren't as effective.) Also, you can get horses, so you can have your own special horse to train. And if people can't afford buying the equipment, you can always rent the supplies. :thumbsup:

BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Yams are coming!!!

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How about, you ride the horse, its rocking side to side, you're trying to get your mouse into the center of the other guys shield, you keep going up and down, left and right (making it harder to get a good hit) and so if the other guy on the horse, and then bam, you hit the guy. Who won? The guy who hade his mouse closest to the center of the other guys shield. The reward system would be just like normal dueling, you place the spoils.


At the end of the game when it shows the spoils you got, it would also show both players shield, with a red dot where you hit his, and where he hit yours. THat way both players can see who got it closer.




advantages, both players stats wouldn't matter, so every one would have the same changes to win.




THat would be my idea of this, but it would seem more like a minigame.




Sorry if this makes you feel like I stole your idea, just pm me if it did and i'll edit it out


High-alching that REALLY expensive item in my inventory looks more and more tempting with every beer I drink.

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Actually, some stats could matter, becuase it would be kinda wierd for like a level 20 wielding some runite jousting armor, or something like that. And, no, it's ok for you to change around my idea, I'm fine with whatever people want to add. :D

BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Yams are coming!!!

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