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I want to do this someday!


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Go Marlin Fishing off Bermuda! When I'm 18 next year I hope to be able to go. I grew up in Bermuda, but moved to England when I was 5, I go there every summer where my dad still lives.




Anyway this happened when I went on Holiday this year, it's pretty immense that this guy survived, here's the article:






It's a miracle really Ian Card survived, if the line had snapped the fish would have no doubt taken him down. Bare in mind this fish weighed roughly 800lb, the largest ever caught weighed 1500lb. I love fishing, just to see one of these in the wild would be an immense experience.




Anyone else like deep sea fishing?

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Guest XplsvBam
I want to do this someday!
You want to get speared by a fish?




The article was pretty good. I wouldn't mind giving deep sea fishing a try someday. Live pretty close to the atlantic.

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Well not that part. There have been incidents though when people have wrapped there hands round the fishing line to help pull the fish up and the marlin had an extra burst of speed and yanked them over board.




Imagine that, being pulled down into the briney so fast unable to untangle yourself.

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I read about that guy who was speared a few days ago. Could you imagine just sitting in your boat in peace then BAM! you've been speared by a giant fish. Its so surreal thats its laughable to think of this huge fish spearing somebody - it's as if its straight out of some crazy horror b-movie.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I love deep sea fishing.. I've only done it twice.. I've never went out for anything specific but I've always wanted to go shark fishing.. Biggest fish I ever caught was like 3 ft long (not sure about weight). My cousin caught a small shark once when he was with us.. I didn't get much that day :(

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I love deep sea fishing :D




I frequently go for Cod and Haddock in the Atlantic Ocean out of Gloucester (sp?), Ma. I have caught a good deal of fish, and surprisingly have caught more Haddock than Cod (Cod is much more common, a good sized Hadock is rare where I fish).




But.. being speared by a fish.. :!:

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I went deep sea fishing in Mexico once, it wasn't cool because there was absolutely no action. Pretty much four hours of riding in really rough waters with 3 foot swells, and nothing to show for it except an expensive day. That said, I would love to do it again sometime but actually get some fish.

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I went deep sea fishing in Mexico once, it wasn't cool because there was absolutely no action. Pretty much four hours of riding in really rough waters with 3 foot swells, and nothing to show for it except an expensive day. That said, I would love to do it again sometime but actually get some fish.






When I went to Mexico (incase anyone was noticed, I love to travel) we didn't do much as far as going out on the ocean because we'd heard that even if the conditions aren't good they'll still take you out. When I was in Hawaii (snorkeling) there were 3 foot swells and when we went whale watching (still in Hawaii) there were 8 foot swells, and mt grandpa stood on the front of the boat with his video camera :lol: ::'

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I don't like the idea of killing thinks for fun...




Most sport fishing, especially deep sea, is strictly catch-and-release. They don't just let anyone go out and kill marlin 'for fun'.

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite.

~Sam Levenson

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