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Is it possible to......

Blaze The Movie Fan

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Misleading title, and why would you want to annoy people? Seriously, the community today. Tsk tsk. :evil:

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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[voice=matter-of-fact monotone]




I'm starting to think that you are a horrible person.




If you are being facetious, then I apologize, please disregard the remainder of my post.




If you are serious about going to this much trouble just to annoy people, then I wish you nothing but sorrow and misery until you change your ways.




Evey time you purposely irritate someone, you make their mood worse. Your victims then take out that irritation on others around them and so on and so forth.




In effect, you are contributing to making the entire game and community a less enjoyable place.




People like you should not be allowed to roam free around others.




I hope you get hacked and lose your account.





If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
Join the petition for a new bank page layout!


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[voice=matter-of-fact monotone]




I'm starting to think that you are a horrible person.




If you are being facetious, then I apologize, please disregard the remainder of my post.




If you are serious about going to this much trouble just to annoy people, then I wish you nothing but sorrow and misery until you change your ways.




Evey time you purposely irritate someone, you make their mood worse. Your victims then take out that irritation on others around them and so on and so forth.




In effect, you are contributing to making the entire game and community a less enjoyable place.




People like you should not be allowed to roam free around others.




I hope you get hacked and lose your account.






thank you for taking to the time to type what i have wanted to type for many days

Retired from RS since Sept 06

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