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Help Me With My Pure


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Part 1: I've been considering for a long time, making a mage pure and i decided to do it. I've also decided to lvl him up just through fail curse training.




What is the f2p outfit that will give me greatest negative mage bonus.




i know that i should wear full metal armor, but because it'll be a mage pure, i won't be able to wear full rune from the start.




Does full rune give a negative mage bonus than full iron or do all metals


decrease ur mage bonus by the same amount? plz help.




also, what does anyone suggest i train it on. i've been thinking zombies across the sewer drainage in varrok sewers.






Part 2: What should i name this new pure?




My first and only account is named Tru_Vampire0. I pretty much want the 2 accounts names to be related. first i was thinking about using the name Tru_Lycan0. For those of you who don't know, Lycan is another word for shapeshifter or werewolf. So u can see how these 2 are similar. But then, just this morning when i was logging into my main, i misspelled it and spelt the name Tru_Vampure0. i figure its pretty much perfect for my mage pure? i'm still undecided.


Which is it?










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Either name is fine, it just depends on what one you want. And yes all armors give the same loss of magic attack. And personally i dont recomend the fail curse method for a pure because you want gain any health, which is essential to a pure that has no def.


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