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hey tiger, good to see u , nice sigs








ill take one please , make a guy in full rune jumping of a plane and a few birds flying across, shortly after they do make him pull out a bow and range them and then make it say congrats 99 range please :)








lol jus jkin, silly tiger animations are for pros :P , i cant do em either though so we're equal lol








anyways good luck in future

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Name : flame reece someone on da sig.








what i want: i want it in a snowy area im in a blue phat and rune (t) and i want throwing axes (and u know how on rs u dothe throwing axe speicla) i want dat with 1 axe stuck in a Kbd( but can u make da kbd like ice like) and another axe been thrown through mid air with blue flames coming out of the bak.








ty. btw your pixels r da coolest way better then the runevillage ones








o and if u need something to work off here ya go.reece2004-memem.JPG

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Hey, if you're still doing them, I'd like one. (Don't have an in-game picture though, I'll do my best to be discriptive)








Okay, I'd like one of what looks like an old man with long gray hair and a long gray beard and mustache. He wears a santa hat on his head, and is dressed in full black (t) armor otherwise (kite too). He's got a red cape on, but silverish greyish gloves. Around his neck is a holy symbol of saradomin. He's weilding a rune hatchet. He can be standing in a field with some cabbage in the distance, and a yew tree not too far behind. There's some fence around where the cabbage is. Somewhere in one of the corners have my name, and in the opposite end something along the lines of 75+ woodcutting. Do this where ever you seem suitable.












Sorry if that was a little too much... I tried to make it easy to understand what I wanted. Thanks a whole bunch!








Sorry I edited it so much too.. Hope it didn't mess you up...

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