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Another Farming question...


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You do not have to use compost if you pay the farmer to watch. Compost helps prevent disease, which will be off-set by paying farmer, but it also increases yield of crop.




I use compost on herbs and get about 4-6 yield. When I use super-compost I get 6-8 yield. On low levels crops, this is not much. But for important crops like rannars this could mean double yield! \'


Geaux Tigers ! Congrats on a great year !

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for some reason i doubt thats rong, also how long does it take for supercompost to rot in the bin?


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it takes 40-45 min for regular compost, are u sure it takes 40-50 for SUPER compost. And i still wanna know if i NEED compost for bushes that are being taken care of.


1 Dragon drop: D med

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it takes 40-45 min for regular compost, are u sure it takes 40-50 for SUPER compost. And i still wanna know if i NEED compost for bushes that are being taken care of.




No, you don't. It has no affect on yield for bushes, and they cannot die while being taken care of.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

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k, and another question, do i need to manually take care of strawberries since they dont have any flowers that protect them?




Also in tipits farming guide, it says its always better xp to check the bushes health, but i dont receive any xp when i check its health, so the i just pick them and replant them. why dont i get xp for checkin health?


1 Dragon drop: D med

6 Barrows Drops: Brassy, T hams(2), Karils top, Dharoks legs, Ahrims top

Money lost due to bans, deaths, hacks: 78 mil

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You only get exp from checking health from a bush ONCE. Later, you get a little exp from picking the berries.




As for the strawberries: the plants lower the CHANCE that they get diseased and die, it's not like a farmer watching them. I adivse to NEVER watch crops grow, that is why farming gets boring... Just use super sompost, water for the fisrt farming clock "TICK"and go do something else.




Happy farming!



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