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Sig contest 800k prize for two sigs!!(photo manip)


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Note before you read any further, no pixel ;).








I would like two different sigs, one being a Led Zepp sig, and the other being a New Zealand sig, :D.








Pictures for the New Zealand sig;




http://yuki_sakura02.at.infoseek.co.jp/photo/queenstown.b.png (picture was too big)












Some random site I found, some good pic's there.












Probably the best site for pics.








And also on the NZ sig, have something to do with these;








Or you can search up Maori bone carvings if you want.








And on the sig, make the text say, Aotearoa.








And as for the second sig I would like another Led Zepp sig thanks, some of the themes you could use for this sig are as follows;




























Competition will run for about two weeks, thanks :).

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hey, led i havent entered in your last one , but i told you i would sorry didnt have much time at that moment, i got more time now, so im definetly gonna enter this. Maori New Zealand, i think im gonna make a theme but maybe also a led zepp one . I love new zealand, never been there though, and im also a bit inspired by the maori, this started a bit when i saw New Zealand Allblacks with their HAKA.








aah well im getting offtopic i think i will have one finished today or tommorow.

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well, as i was playing i thought of an animation,




















maybe better, but i need to go home now school is over for today, i've sended the psd file to my home so i can adjust it there.

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WHOA!! The Aotearoa sig owns ;). Nah, no name on it thanks, maybe you could play around with under Aotearoa put "Land of the long white cloud" which Aotearoa roughly translates into. But it's awesome the way it is.








@ Stoked you don't have to use your own, you can go for it and use your own :).








I'll check back here on Monday cause I've been busy all weekend with some course, good luck :).

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Hey man, I really like the red one with no animation, and probably just leave out the "land of the..." bit.








Do you also reckon you could try out something with the silver fern or a kiwi? That'd be awesome too :).








Oh, and BUMP, need more people to participate in the zepp sig!!

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Hey man, I really like the red one with no animation, and probably just leave out the "land of the..." bit.








Do you also reckon you could try out something with the silver fern or a kiwi? That'd be awesome too :).








Oh, and BUMP, need more people to participate in the zepp sig!!








sure ill try something out.

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well here's a first try:
















Looks good, but look awesome as it was before, that ones the best so far, I'll probably give it one more week, then give out the prizes, oh, and if it's not too much trouble, do you reckon you could give the zepp sig a go too?

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I know it doesn't fit the topic, but anyway. I was wondering if you would like to buy the Zep sig I made you long time ago. Let's say...without an avvy :wink: . It's no problem, if you don't like it anymore, but you can always grab it. :D









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I know it doesn't fit the topic, but anyway. I was wondering if you would like to buy the Zep sig I made you long time ago. Let's say...without an avvy :wink: . It's no problem, if you don't like it anymore, but you can always grab it. :D




















he didnt buy that thought he did, aah well i probally give the led sig a try also.

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I know it doesn't fit the topic, but anyway. I was wondering if you would like to buy the Zep sig I made you long time ago. Let's say...without an avvy :wink: . It's no problem, if you don't like it anymore, but you can always grab it. :D




















he didnt buy that thought he did, aah well i probally give the led sig a try also.








Hmm, for the Zepp sig, I'm looking for something a bit more personal, like with the band members in it, or some cover art, or just zepp art, maybe if you made a blimp off Led Zeppelin I, I'd go for it, but it looks too spacey...








OT:: eissob, just a question, how did you get two names :??








EDIT:: I so silly, I see it's apart of your avatar ;).

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well having alot of things on my mind atm, school and stuff. So i dont think i will make a led zepp sig very soon.












ps: dont think you will declare me winner of first theme also ,you need more entries!

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ps: dont think you will declare me winner of first theme also ,you need more entries!








Yeah I won't yet, need more entries, but I'll give it one more week before I declare you, because your sig is just so damn awesome :P.








Could we combine the two sigs? :D








What do you mean?

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Guest Chatmasta

Put the two themes of Led Zepplin and New Zealand together. Like show Led Zepplin With a New Zealand land scape or something lol. I just think it would be cool?! :D








?Basicaly you would get one sig, but both concepts would be there.

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Put the two themes of Led Zepplin and New Zealand together. Like show Led Zepplin With a New Zealand land scape or something lol. I just think it would be cool?! :D








?Basicaly you would get one sig, but both concepts would be there.








Led Zeppelin aren't very... New Zealand-ish though, although they did do one show ever in New Zealand, and that was in Auckland in '74 I think...

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